Pet care professionals are an extraordinary bunch of individuals.
Aside from the obvious love for all living creatures we share, the professional pet sitter must work all major holidays in order to give their appreciative clients the time away to spend with their own friends and families.
Also, the professional pet care provider must create a strong, well balanced business to support the service they provide. In other words, the pet sitter must create, run and manage the day to day operations the very same way as all other local small business providers.
This is sometimes missed or overlooked by the pet parent, especially when the sitter simply wants to perfectly serve the client in any way possible.
Just like an amazing magician or performer, all the behind-the-scenes work and effort is protected from the audience, giving the illusion of an effortless show.
Truth be told, the pet sitting business owner must serve their local community in a way that is financially profitable.
Without a profit (or without otherwise earning the means to survive another day) the professional pet sitter could not be there at a moments notice for the client.
The truly successful professional pet sitter earns respect and admiration from their ideal client (and industry colleagues) by maintaining a set of procedures and policies, remaining available and transparent, keeping the lines of communication open, engaging in ongoing industry training, education and support, and by living their best life possible.