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How To Make Great Looking Videos for Your Pet Business In No Time Flat

make yourself look great on video for pet sitters

It’s absolutely incredible how powerful the phones we carry around with us truly are.

The humorous part is that I bet using your phone as an actual phone is one of the least things you do with it!

Your phone is your lifeline, right?

It gives you one-click access to your to-do list, music, notebook, contacts, pictures, and immediate access to your social networks, and more.

As a pet business owner, you can practically manage your entire business from your phone.

Today’s post is going to show you how easy and valuable it is to shoot video from your phone, and make it work for your business.

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Life Is Short: How My Daughter Danica and Joel Osteen Keep My Business Thriving

Josh and Danica

You know that moment in your life when everything changes and absolutely nothing petty matters any longer?

The birth of my beautiful daughter, Danica, was that moment for me.

My 13-month old precious girl is now sufficiently walking.

(I know… I’ve been told (warned!) that life as I know it will never be the same!)

Watching lil Dani go from only able to lay on her back, to rolling over, to crawling, to scooting, to walking around holding the edge of a couch, to a full on confident stroll around the room is a spectacular miracle to watch.

As a proud father, it’s amazing to witness this progression unfold before your eyes.

She is able to pick toys up along the way as she walks and continue about her business.

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How To Land Your Ideal Client Every Time (or at least 90% of the time)

your ideal client as a cupcake

Preface by Joshua Cary:

No matter what you find yourself doing in life, it will most likely be met with one of these three emotions:

  1. You get really excited and look forward to it.
  2. You have neutral feelings about the event or activity and understand it’s something that simply must get done.
  3. You cringe at the thought of it and can not wait for it to be over.

This could be anything in life from doing the dishes, packing for vacation, joining your spouse for a work event, or walking your new client’s pooch.

Let’s face it: Not all pet sitting clients are created equally.

Some we take on with a smile and would do so for zero dollars. While others we wish we didn’t take on for all the money in the world.

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Workshop Training: How To Fill Your Pet Business with Your Ideal Clients Every Time

heart as a flame

What if you could easily give your potential clients exactly what they were hoping to discover on your website even before they arrived?

Here’s what I mean… I love magic. I’m a big fan of all kinds of card tricks.

You know those card tricks where you “pick a card, pick any card” and after a bit of story from the magician, your card amazingly appears in the most least expected of places?

Obviously, we are not dealing with any supernatural work at play. We are dealing with a person (the magician) who used years of practice and technique to give you the exact end result you were looking for (your card appearing).

It was rehearsed and deliberate.

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How Putting Up $38,000 For This Year’s Conference Scares the ‘Bejesus’ Out Of Me

scary ghost cookiesBack in 2012, I had the opportunity to head to Vegas for a much needed break.

While I’m never one to “turn off” completely, I knew that I’d love to be able to make some good ‘business’ use of my time away.

One idea lead to another, and within just 2 months, I put together what became the 1st Annual PetSittingLIVE conference.

It was over 2 full days, featured 8 speakers (including our good friend, Marcus Sheridan) and had 12 pet sitters over-joyed they showed up.

It was a success on every level. And like a drug, I was ready for more!

Since there were no formal sponsors at that event, the majority of the finances came out of my pocket.

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How to Build Your Pet Business Fast

pottery takes time
Anything you create that’s worth creating takes time.
Which is more accurate when it comes to building, starting, and running a successful pet sitting business?

Slow and steady wins the race. Or…

The Fast and furious.

I received an email recently from someone who wants to start their own pet business, and asked “How can I build a pet business fast?

Certainly, I can assist with many of the moving parts needed to get your business up and running.

What I’m not certain about is the “fast” part.

In fact, on this very website, you can make your way through my Start A Pet Sitting Business course that is designed to take about 45 days to complete.

Sure, you can always do things quicker, as your time, energy, and schedule permits, but we’ll touch more on that in a second.

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10 Things Nobody Ever Tells You About Running a Pet Sitting or Dog Walking Business

frog in a tree

Do you love surprise parties?

I know some people who secretly wish that every year someone would throw them a surprise birthday party. And I know others who need to know everything up front and dislike any sort of surprise (including one that results in a party!).

Life is full of surprises. Personally, I enjoy navigating through life with a sense of wonder and enjoyment.

Business, however, is a different story. A successful business person will do a certain amount of research and preparation before investing their time, energy, and finances into any venture.

Starting a pet sitting business is no different.

Whether you are thinking about becoming a working, professional pet sitter, or are a seasoned pro, knowing what the road ahead looks like will keep you sane and successful.

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Will Your Pet Sitting Clients Understand That You Are Taking Time Off To Attend A Conference For Pet Sitters?

pet sitting angry client
Do your clients get angry if and when you take time off?
So, you’re a hard-working professional pet sitter working 24/7, 365.

You’ve known for quite some time that a break (dare I call it a ‘vacation’?) would be amazing, but it’s far from possible, right?

You want to get away for even a short time, enjoy that much needed break, learn a thing or two, network with other professional pet sitters, and finally meet face to face those who you’ve known online for years.

(Not to mention, relaxing by a pool, soaking up some sun, and sipping on your favorite cocktail…)

But there is just one issue…

Your clients are going to be so mad at you for attending the PetSittingOlogy Live Event and Conference in Vegas, right?

Of course not. In fact, many attendees last year were in your exact shoes and they have actually seen their business GROW.

Are you worried that your clients are going to be mad at you if you come to the conference?

Are you worried that they will replace you with another pet sitter?  Do you feel guilty?  Responsible?

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Hiring Staff for Your Pet Sitting Business? Why Background Checks Are a Must. [Video]

Law Books
If you hire pet sitters for your team, background checks are a must. See why and how it all works.

When you reach a certain point in your pet sitting business, you may find that bringing on pet sitters to join your team is a logical next move.

With that wonderful decision comes plenty of more wonderful responsibilities – all resting on your shoulders as business owner.

The very last thing you need happening is hiring the wrong person.

Aside from wasting your valuable time that you can’t afford to lose in the first place, hiring the wrong pet sitter for your team can get you in all sorts of legal battles.

This is one small reason it’s vital you do your due diligence at the start by legally performing a background check on all of your applicants.

You’ll sleep soundly at night, and your clients (and potential clients) will love you for it.

Thankfully we have Jason Waggoner on our side.

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How to Create the Perfect About Us Page to Gain More Happy Clients [Audio Broadcast]

about us photo
Discover exactly why your About Us page is one of the most important pages on your website.

You already know how important your entire website is in regards to your overall marketing efforts, right?

You also know I spend plenty of time teaching you about blog posts, articles, landing in Google, optimizing your web pages and more.

But how often do we speak about the importance of your About Us page? (Listen to the complete audio broadcast on this page.)

Did you realize that your About Us page is in fact one of the most important pages on your entire website?

Why is that? It’s one of the few places your website users can connect with and learn about YOU!

(You know, the person they will hire.)

This word is worth repeating: Connection. As with most anything we do in life, we are drawn to the people most like ourselves.

Whether it’s in a business partnership, friendship, or romantic relationship, we seek others similar to ourselves.

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