Are Pets Not As Valuable As We Think? (And 2 Solid New Service Ideas to Offer Your Clients)
Have you ever considered the idea that pets might be a ‘hazard’ to the elderly?
Personally, I have not considered that absurd thought, but one article I recently came across revealed this intriguing fact:
“Over 86,000 people per year have to go to the emergency room because of falls involving their dogs and cats, and these fractures can be devastating for the elderly,” said Judy Stevens, an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
I was going to present that as the topic for this blog post, but it got me thinking about something else you will appreciate much more.
Instead of debating the merits of that statistic in this article, I would rather offer you a solid actionable service that you can add to your website today and offer your potential clients to help grow your business.
(Something to help you grow your business is much better than trying to debate the value of pets, right?!)