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Google Desperately Wants To Recommend Your Pet Sitting Website

lightswitch coverAs pet sitters, one of the strongest marketing strategies you can rely on is your pet sitting website.

However, just building your website and hoping visitors find you is a long shot.

This article will connect the dots between building your website, showing up in Google for your chosen keywords and gaining a new pet sitting client.

First, it helps to understand exactly how Google works.

How Google Works

What do you think Google’s number one responsibility is?

It’s to deliver the best search results to its customer (search user).

So what do you think YOUR number one responsibility is?

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Look How One Pet Sitter Got Her Phone Ringing Off The Hook (Say Cheese!)

Josh Cary photoHi! My name is Josh Cary. And that’s me in the picture there.

Why am I posting a photo of myself?

To help prove a point that adding a picture of yourself to your pet sitting website creates an emotional bond between you and the visitor.

And that bond has powerful conscious and subconscious positive effects on your website visitor’s entire experience with you.

This blog post was inspired by my pet sitting colleague Nicole Ryan from Pineapple Pets in Florida.

Nicole sent me an incredible email recently that is truly inspiring.

While Nicole is one of many pet sitters using my WordPress SEO Website System, she has taken it to the next level, and the results speak for themselves.

Read the email Nicole sent and you’ll understand just how simple it is to achieve the exact same results:

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Blogging 101 for Pet Sitters [Webinar Replay]

speaker pictureThis webinar on the very basics of blogging is over one hour long.

It is filled with easy-to-understand direction, concepts and ideas that will leave you motivated, inspired and ready to take action.

(Many of the attendees reported just that.)

This webinar is for you if:

  • You know next to nothing about blogging.
  • You have no idea WHY you should be blogging.
  • You don’t know HOW to properly blog but you know you should be blogging.
  • You currently blog but want to take things a bit further.
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Blogging and Keywords: A Real Pet Sitter Blog Post Example

note book
Blogging is a quick way to improve your search engine rankings. And it’s easy to do.

If I were a betting man, I would say you fall into one of three categories when it comes to pet sitters who blog:

1 – You currently blog, and are excited about the higher results in the search engines you are receiving because of your blogging efforts.

2 – You currently do not blog, but understand that you probably should learn more about it so you can reap the rewards too.

3 – You do not blog, have no interest in blogging, and do not understand why you should in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong: Blogging takes work.

It takes work to pull off, and it takes work to learn the ropes of how to do it correctly.

But it’s easy as pie to learn (anyone can do it) and blogging will help catapult your website to the top of the search rankings.

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Pet Sitters Who Blog are More Successful than Pet Sitters Who Do Not Blog – Here’s Why.

dot com blog
Adding a blog to your pet sitting website will put you ahead of the competition – and it’s easier than you think.

How in the world does blogging help a pet sitter get more clients?

And how does blogging help with SEO (search engine optimization)?

These are just two great questions I was asked recently in a Facebook group.

Let me begin, first, with what I mean when I say “Pet Sitters who blog are more successful than pet sitters who do not blog.”

Today – sure – there may be some very successful pet sitters who have never blogged a day in their lives. And those are the exceptions to the rule.

The business world around us in changing – and it’s changing very quickly.

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The Way Pet Sitters Use LLC in a Logo

sign agreement
Forming an LLC for your pet sitting business can be a smart move. But this article addresses a different angle.

This post was inspired by an email I received from a pet sitter colleague.  Please keep your questions and emails coming!

A limited liability company, or LLC, has become the go-to choice for many pet sitting businesses, including mine.

According to Legal Zoom, it’s quickly establishing itself as the most popular choice for a new business.

In fact, the LLC has surpassed the Corporation structure for new startups with 1-5 persons.

There are many distinct advantages to forming an LLC including protection against your personal assets (thus limited liability).

You are able to minimize your personal liability and gain substantial business credibility.

As a member of an LLC, you are not personally responsible for company debts, which is why it is a popular choice among entrepreneurs.

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How To Create The Right Content For Your Pet Sitting Website [Webinar Replay]

Whether you realize it or not, creating content for your pet sitting website is one of the best, quickest and recommended ways to enhance your website.

Creating content will, simply put, help you rank higher in Google, assist in your SEO efforts, and make each of your visitors happy.

All of that adds up to more clients, and increased business. (And who doesn’t want more of that?)

Here Is The Webinar Replay on Creating Content

Forget everything you think you know about creating content!

This has nothing to do with your blog, and has nothing to do with writing articles.

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Step One for Pet Sitters is to Understand How Search Works (Everything Else Will Follow)

If you want to appear higher in the Google search results, understanding how search works to begin with is a great start.

Are you happy with where your pet sitting website lands in Google when a potential client searches for, let’s say, ‘pet sitter + [your town]?’

Are you wondering how to improve your search rankings or how to show up in Google more often?

First, you must understand how search works to begin with.

And what better way to get a quick primer than from the horses mouth!

Watch this 3-minute video from Matt Cutts (part of the quality search team at Google) for the basics. (Then, don’t miss the upcoming webinar announced below!)

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How to Target Multiple Cities with Your Pet Sitting Business Website

target multiple cities
Targeting multiple cities with your pet sitting business is possible if you take some specific SEO action.

How many different areas, cities or neighborhoods does your pet sitting website target?

Chances are you want to appear in the search results for more than just your city + [pet sitting keyword], right?

So how exactly do you show up for multiple cities that you currently serve?

In order to answer the question, let me take a step back for a minute to make this one point:

When we are talking about your pet sitting website, Google sees your site as individual pages, not as one full website.

So when somebody does a search for (as an example) ‘Seattle pet sitter’ it is not going to return your full website in the search results, it will return an individual page from your website (the most relevant pages from your website).

Most typically this will be your home page, but not always the case.

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Help, I’m just so frustrated with my pet sitting website!

crying babySee those words up in the title above?

Take a guess how often I hear those exact words?

Whether it’s about getting your pet sitting website up and running properly, trying to land in Google, or trying to make a simple update, managing your own pet site does not have to be confusing, difficult or the source of major aggravation.

And to add a bit of good news to the mix… Do you know how easily frustration in general can be cured?

Why Do Things Create Frustration To Begin With?

The definition of frustration is clear: The feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

We usually become frustrated when we are not able to complete a task that we otherwise believe we are skilled enough to complete.

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