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Harness Lead May Be The Answer To Your Dog Walking Prayers

harness lead

You know when you see a product online and your first thought is, “How can this not already exist??”

Well, that’s what went through my head when my good friend, and pet sitting colleague, Tori Lattig of Endless Pawsibilities introduced me to Lisa Flynn, inventor of the Harness Lead.

As you’ll see, the Harness Lead is a 3-in-1 harness lead, slip lead, and collar lead, that can truly transform the way you walk dogs for a living.

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Are Pet Sitters Taken Seriously?

If you spend any amount of time chatting with other pet sitters online, you quickly to hear similar stories, questions, issues, and frustrations.

One big overriding theme I see all too often has to do with the public perception of a pet sitter.

Sure, the pet owner who winds up hiring you understands and respects the service you provide, but this may be the exception, not the rule.

Dialogue of pet owners sneering at your fair pricing structure, making absurd requests, and expecting you as the service provider to be thankful that she is giving you the opportunity to be hired has got to stop.

But it starts with you.

In order to consider whether or not pet sitters are taken seriously (and why), we need to take a step back and understand what it means to be professional first and foremost.

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What is the PetSittingOlogy Scholarship Program – 2013

scholar photoSince 2009, PetSittingOlogy has been providing pet sitters at every stage of their careers with tools, services and resources to build stronger businesses.

You have seen everything from our “Start a Pet Sitting Business” course, IC Toolbox, and training webinars to the SEO master classes and WordPress-powered website system.

As part of the upcoming conference in Las Vegas on Oct. 7 and 8, we are proud to announce the PetSittingOlogy Scholarship Program.

NOTE: Visit for all details on the conference.

This program will award up to 3 professional pet sitters a full, complimentary trip to the live conference, including ticket fee, 2-night hotel stay at the Tropicana, and round trip airfare.

Simply put, the aim is to find, discover and promote pet sitters that bring something different, incredible and unique to the table.

There is no one correct way to run a pet sitting business, and so many professionals today have amazing stories that need to be heard.

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The Las Vegas Conference Calendar – 4 Unique Ways to Join Us This Year!

what's on your mind?
What fights for your attention inside your mind?
It amazes me just how often the pet sitting industry is on my mind.

You know when you get a song stuck in your head and it cycles through your brain over and over?

Well, it’s like that, but instead of having lyrics and the tune of a popular 80s hit on my mind, I have a handful of pet sitting thoughts, projects and new ideas fighting for head space at any given time!

Luckily, serving pet sitters is a passion of mine, so it’s no bother.

(I can’t say the same had it been, say, “Oh Mickey you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey!”)

This Week’s Mickey is The Las Vegas Conference

Winning the fight for head space this week is our upcoming Las Vegas pet sitting conference.

We are coming down to the wire, with just about 40+ days before the big event.

Now is the time to get your tickets, come on board, and plan your trip.

This week, I offer you a variety of ways to make your decision to join us in person this October 7 and 8 even easier.

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Do Lawn Signs Really Work As A Form of Good Pet Sitter Marketing?

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Do Lawn Signs work as good pet sitter marketing? One pet sitter says Yes!

One of the things I love most about our pet sitting industry is the varied way pet sitters run, operate and market their businesses.

Success comes in all shapes and sizes.

For example, some pet sitters find great success using Craigslist to hire staff, while others do not.

Some have had clients find them through pet directories, or had a Google Adwords campaign pay off, while others lost money though those forms of advertising.

I was recently speaking with pet sitter Rachel Muhammad, of See Spot Run, LLC, who mentioned that she successfully uses lawn signs to market her pet sitting business.

It makes sense Rachel was influenced by the real estate industry for this method. According to the National Association of Realtors, 48% of homes that are for sale by owner successfully use yard signs to market and promote the sale of their home.

I was intrigued by this form of promotion and wanted to hear more. Here is our Q&A session on the topic:

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If You Do Not Find Excitement and Inspiration from this Video, Something Is Wrong

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Watch us on this Google Hangout chatting about how to grow your pet sitting business.

Every successful business owner understands that they need to learn from others.

Whether it’s in the form of following their journey and reading their work, or having a mentor, success rarely happens without some influence of others.

Marcus Sheridan is someone outside of our industry who I personally follow, learn from and admire.

More importantly, the main reason I’m so excited to bring Marcus into our industry is because the way he succeeded is something that pet sitters can replicate.

Marcus began as a pool guy. He owned a pool company that installed fiberglass pools to his local community. He’s a local small business provider.

And so are pet sitters. While looking bankruptcy in the face, Marcus changed directions and used his website as his biggest form of marketing and now his pool company makes over $4 million a year!

The nuggets he provides in this insightful video can and should be used by pet sitters starting today.

Grab a pen and paper and take notes. He discussed things you can take action on right now to make huge progress. (Some pet sitters already have!)

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My 5-Week Old Daughter Took Me From Insane to Success In One Day

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I continue to learn a lot about life and business from my 5-week old daughter!
Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.

How amazing is that?

That definition is incredible on so many levels especially considering the true definition of the word:

1. The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.
2. Extreme foolishness or irrationality.

What makes the Einstein definition so good is that he took the word and put it another way that we can all relate to – especially in business.

How many times do you consciously or subconsciously do something over and over while hoping for or expecting something to change this time around?

As a new father (just five weeks in!), I continue to learn this fact in an interesting way with my baby girl, Danica.

When Danica cries for her pacifier, I would find it laying near her body and pop it back in her mouth and all would be quiet again. But only for a brief moment until it fell out of her mouth.

You can see how this process quickly becomes *insane* – Danica would cry, I would put the pacifier in her mouth, moments later it would fall out, she would cry again, I would put the pacifier back in her mouth.

(Was I expecting a different result? That’s insane!)

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Google Maps (Local) Set of Rules for Pet Sitters (and No UPS Stores Allowed!)

set of rules
There’s a set of rules for everything!
We all know that Google has a peculiar set of “rules” that you must follow in order to rank well in their search results.

You may also know that getting your pet sitting website listing to show up in the Maps section is a whole other ball of wax.

First, a quick overview of these Map listings.

Whenever you do a search on Google for any local service (restaurant, electronic store, pet sitter…) Google will present you with a list of results local to you above the regular search results.

In order to have a chance to show up in these local results, you’ll need to submit your business through your Google Places for Business account.

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Listen to a Recorded Call from One of Those Spam SEO Emails You Receive And See What It’s All About

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Do you receive spam email promising SEO success?
What’s the number one thing you want from your pet sitting website?

More traffic? Top keyword ranking in Google? Better SEO (search engine optimization)?

Call it what you will, but I’m guessing you want all of that.

And rightfully so!

Running a pet sitting business with your website as your huge marketing tool takes work, effort, time and knowledge.

Many of us struggle just to keep up with the pet sitting visits, let alone have time to focus on the business side of things, right?

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Life and Business Lessons Learned from My 1 Week Old Daughter

Dad and Danica
Dad and Danica

OMG – I can not believe I am a father!

My wife Heather and I gave birth to Danica Irene on Monday, June 17, 2013 at 3:04pm. She entered the world at 6 lbs 15 oz. and 20 inches in length.

I’m quickly discovering that being a good dad requires many of the same qualities and traits as does a good business owner.

I’ve been a pet sitting business owner since 2008, and have run other online businesses since 1999.

And while I’ve only been a dad for 1 week (at the time of this writing), it’s becoming crystal clear that many of the same traits I have had to perfect as a strong business owner also come into play to become an amazing father.

The 5 Things I’ve Learned As A Dad Just 1 Week In.

Here are the similarities I’ve noticed:

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