Do you know what I love most about receiving email inquiries from my pet sitting website?
Besides enjoying the obvious lead, I love getting to learn more about how my website is actually performing.
Here’s what I mean. I recently received an email that said the following:
“I wanted to inquire about pricing info for in-home boarding. Your site was very informative and I wanted to look into this option further.”
It’s no secret that I take pride in my pet sitting website and work hard to make sure it converts as many visitors as possible into leads (which could become potential new clients).
When I read the statement about how informative my site was, I knew what I always thought was correct:
Every visitor arrives on your website with certain questions in mind. The better you help answer those questions, the more likely the visitor will take action and get in touch with you.
Is your pet sitting website helping or confusing your visitors?
You’ve probably already heard that content is king. Simply put, the more relevant content you have on your website, the more your visitors – and Google – will love you.
Below are 9 questions that your visitors need to know the answers to before they will even consider getting in touch with you. (It’s also a perfect way to add more content to your site.)
Side Note: #4 is my favorite secret weapon. Focus on that one alone and you’ll see results.