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There’s A New Pet Sitting Association Causing A Stir

charter-member-logoEvery once in a while, something comes along to disrupt the status quo.

Some months ago, I received an email from fellow pet sitting business owner Danielle Chonody asking if we can set up a time to speak.

I already knew Danielle from the industry and was excited to hear what was on her mind.

Early into the conversation, Danielle cuts to the chase and says, “I want to start a pet sitting association!”

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How would you build your pet sitting business if you were given $1000 to spend?

cash-registerHere’s an interesting ‘What If…’ that should get you thinking in the right direction.

How would you grow your pet sitting business if you were given $1000 to spend?

Where would you invest the money?

Leave your comments/list below…

Here is a short list of possible choices to consider:


  • Logo design
  • Web designer
  • Freelance writer for blog content
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Stop Checking Your Email The Old Fashioned Way

old-fashionedAre you still logging into your webhost control panel to check email?

Find yourself spending half the day sorting through Spam?

Do you have multiple accounts you have to check with multiple logins?

Well, save time and energy by taking advantage of Google.

I have been a long time fan of all things Google and rely on a few of its free products to keep my pet sitting business running smoothly.

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Pet Sitter Independent Contractor Tool Box – See Full Video Here!

pet-sitter-ICThe Big,
The Essential, and
The Totally Complete
Pet Sitter Independent Contractor Tool Box

At the point where you can use a little help in your pet sitting business?

Are you a self-proclaimed ‘control freak’ and wondering how to make it all work?

Relax and take a deep breathe…

The Pet Sitter Independent Contractor Tool Box is exactly what you need! You’ll get your hands on the EXACT forms, documents, checklists and tools that I use to run my pet sitting business.

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Pet Sitting Business Names: All You Need To Know – Part 2

pet sitting business nameNaming your pet sitting business just may be the most important element when it comes to your overall success.  Forgettable Name = Forgettable Business.

In Part 1 of this series, you learned the importance of creating a memorable name and why it’s best to stay away from anything too ordinary.

Today in Part 2, you’ll brainstorm a list of creative and memorable business names that all pack a punch and leave a lasting impression in the mind’s of your potential clients.

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Pet Sitting Business Names: All You Need To Know – Part 1

business-nameChoosing a name for your new pet sitting business can be one of the most exhilarating tasks — or it can be one of the most terrifying.

Our aim is to make the process of choosing a business name exciting and stress-free while tapping into your creative side.

Some pet sitters fall short in this area and opt to name their business something bland, boring or drab.

They are missing out on a huge opportunity here.

Properly naming your pet sitting business is every bit of marketing. Your business name immediately sets an impression in the public eye.

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4 Ways To Create A Pet Sitting Business Logo That Will Amaze Your Clients

logo-imageYour pet sitting business logo may very well be the first impression potential clients have of you and your website.

Whether the logo is placed on your website, a business card or a flier, you have about 30-seconds to say, “I am professional, I know what I’m doing, and I want your business.”

Another reason your pet sitting logo is so important is because your website visitors make quick decisions (in about 30 seconds) before deciding whether to click their back button and look elsewhere or dig deeper into your site.

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8 Ways To Market and Promote Your Pet Sitting Business With A Custom T-Shirt Design

tshirt-moneyDon’t you ever wish it were easier to attract new pet sitting business clients your way?

Fortune 500 companies have the luxury of a huge marketing budget allowing them to advertise on TV, in magazines and on billboards.

Fear not Super Pet Sitter – You’re about to level the playing field.

Plenty of online companies give you the very reasonably priced opportunity to create custom designed t-shirts to promote your pet sitting business with pride.

Simply pick a company from the list below, choose a t-shirt style and color, add text, images and/or your logo, and you’re done.

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Google Voice Invites Available Now

google-logoI love all things technology. Rarely, though, does something as cool as Google Voice come along.

I’ve been using Google Voice (GV) for several months now and I am in awe of the service and capability.

In a nut shell, GV provides you with one phone number that you can tie to all your phones. It’s not a phone service, but rather a way to manage your phones.

Initially, the service was in beta and accounts were given out by Google by invite only. They have now begun to change all that.

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