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Pet Sitting Business Names: All You Need To Know – Part 2

pet sitting business nameNaming your pet sitting business just may be the most important element when it comes to your overall success.  Forgettable Name = Forgettable Business.

In Part 1 of this series, you learned the importance of creating a memorable name and why it’s best to stay away from anything too ordinary.

Today in Part 2, you’ll brainstorm a list of creative and memorable business names that all pack a punch and leave a lasting impression in the mind’s of your potential clients.

How I Accidentally Named A Film Production Company

I personally love the opportunity to come up with new business names. A few years back I had the luxury of naming a new film production company. At the same time, we were beginning to cast a movie and required actor submissions through the mail.

It was my job to post the mailing address where the actor submissions should be sent to. So, following the mailing address, I was considering whom the ‘Attention:’ line should be addressed to. After some thought, I realized the attention line was not completely necessary and should be left blank.

I was in a quirky mood so instead of just not including the attention line as part of the address to begin with, I simply added the following line:

Attention: Leave Blank

I then wondered whether actors would actually leave the attention line blank or address it to “Attention: Leave Blank.” Most did the latter.

Almost naturally so, the name of the film production company soon became Leave Blank Films. To this day, I greatly enjoy the name of that company.

Creatively Naming Your Pet Sitting Business

I hope you’re starting to see that the name of your new pet sitting business does not need to be “Debbie’s Pet Sitting.”

The perfect business name should:

  • Be memorable
  • Be easy to pronounce
  • Be easy to spell
  • Look good when written

Once you have a grasp of the elements that make up an ideal business name, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from.

The goal is to brainstorm a list of possible names that you’ll be able to pick the clear and obvious choice from.

First, you’ll identify several personality traits or benefits that make your business special, different or better than other choices.

  • Ask yourself what sets you apart?
  • What makes your pet sitting business unique while displaying your expertise in this field?
  • Identify a handful of personality traits and benefits that set your pet sitting business apart from the others.
  • Think about what your future clients will appreciate and what you can successfully deliver on.

Go Abstract or Literal?

There are two schools of thought that experts believe are the markings of a solid business name. One side suggests that an awesome business name should be abstract to allow the potential clients to paint a picture for themselves about the nature of your business.

Think Google, Yahoo or Twitter.

The other side believes the perfect business name is informative and deliberate so potential clients will immediately understand your business.

Think Facebook, or Photobucket.

The important thing here is to acknowledge that in either case, your name of your pet sitting business should be creative and elicit some sort of visual or emotional response in the mind of the client.

You’ll want to avoid flat, drab or just plain ordinary names.

Your chosen name will create an impression. Think carefully what impression you want your name to suggest. Your chosen name will support the key elements of your business.

Go back to your mission statement and find some common themes or some phrases that stand out.  (You do have a mission statement, don’t you?!)

Utilize a thesaurus to try and incorporate different or more unique words you may not have considered.

Get Your Mind Thinking

Here are 6 questions to start the ball rolling.

  • What reputation do you want to acquire? Do you want to be known as the pet nanny, butler, assistant, or lifesaver?
  • What level of service will you provide? Will you provide a level of service that is upscale, exclusive or white glove?
  • Are you always at the ready, available 24/7 or ‘at your service?’
  • Where do you shine?  Do you have expertise in first aid, pet training or in handling breeds of all sizes and temperaments?
  • Is your primary focus on just dogs and cats or will you care for birds, fish, hamsters and reptiles.
  • Can you create or develop a signature trademark? Do you drive around in a mini-van or sports car that can become recognizable?

While answering any of the questions above, you’ll quickly see that “Anne’s Pet Sitting” says almost nothing of value about what your company stands for.

Don’t be afraid of names along the lines of Purple Mutt, Blue Pumpkin, Red Cotton, Friendly Fool, OnTime Sally, or We Speak Dog, if appropriate.

Your new business name should (obviously) appeal to you but also make sure it will appeal to your potential clients.

It should be easy — and dare I say pleasant — to pronounce. The more people that say your business name, the better.

It should be easy to spell and look good when written.

Make It Personal

Think about personal traits or qualities you may have that you can incorporate into your business name. Do you have big poof-y hair that everyone always comments on? Does your giggle make heads turn? Do you have a talent or quirk that makes you, you? Think out of the box.

Once you arrive at a short list of your favorite names, let it simmer in your head for a few days. Share your list with trusted family, friends and colleagues. Ask them which names best ring true for your business. One will usually become a quick favorite.

When coming up with a name for this website, I came upon PetSittingOlogy after some time, and let it brew for a bit. I would literally say it aloud several times while walking my dogs to hear how it sounded and take note how it made me feel.

You want your business name to resonate with you. It should feel right when you say it and make you feel proud. Own the name you finally decide on. It’ll be yours for the life of your business.

This series is part of the PetSittingOlogy training program. With more than 30 articles, lessons and worksheets created to put your pet sitting business on the path to success, the course is designed for both the experienced and novice, alike. View the first 30 lessons with descriptions now.

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If you are looking to dramatically improve your website results by appearing on the front page of Google (like we have done for hundreds of your professional pet industry colleagues), then review the options here and let's compare notes!

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Josh Cary is a respected and well sought-after speaker and business consultant within the professional pet care industry. Since 2009, having grown his own pet sitting business, Josh provides his industry with the tools, support, and resources to build and maintain a thriving and respected pet business.

With a strong focus on digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and website development, Josh’s one mission is to help you Get Found First through a professional and effective website.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I’m really stuck with a business name, so far I have Elements Pet Care chosen because I believe that caring for pets should include all elements to treat mind, body and soul. It also means I am happy to be out in the elements and will be there come rain or shine! I also have Harmony Pet Care because I work in harmony with animals and only use positive training methods. I also have Furtastic Friends mainly chosen because it sounds fun! Would love some help with this! Thanks

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