Pet Sitter Spotlight: Rebecca Kirkland of Whiskers ‘N’ Wags Pet Sitting
Day 12 of our 15-part series on the life of professional pet sitters.
As we make our way through more and more of these extraordinary tales, it becomes increasingly obvious that the professional pet sitter is so much more than a “one trick pony” (pun intended?).
Truth be told, a true pet care professional must consider the welfare and well being of the animals in her care from a variety of angles.
She must consider the health and the safety from elements inside the home. She must consider the safety from outsiders, including other people, other dogs and other animals.
And she must consider the unknown factors. Like the weather.
Each job we take as a professional care taker could potentially present an entirely unique set of circumstances that we must act upon in a matter of seconds.
The pet parent relies on our good judgement to keep her furry family member protected.
This is why hiring an experienced professional should be your top priority.
In today’s spotlight, Rebecca Kirkland of Whiskers ‘N’ Wags Pet Sitting in Colorado City, TX was put to the test and passed with flying colors!