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How To Come Up With Topics and Ideas for Your Pet Blog Posts: Take The Challenge!

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Coming up with blog topics to write about is easy once you have the right “ingredients”. This article will hand you the tools to come up with dozens of new article topics and ideas you can write about.

What is the number one reason you are not writing blog post articles for your pet business website?

Do you feel that you are “not a good writer?”  Do you wonder where you might find the time?  Are you unsure of the proper blog post format?

While those are all valid thoughts, you are going to receive an abundance of help today when it comes to topic selection.

When we ask people if they are writing articles for their audience, one of the most common answers is:

“I would but I don’t know what to write about”.

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What Image Do You Want To Portray For Your Pet Sitting Business?

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Editor’s Note: This is a post written by pet sitting business owner, Julie Fredrick, of The Pet Sitter of Boise. If you have an article you’d love us to consider for publication on the PSO blog, contact us!

“What is the image I want for my pet sitting business?”

This is the question Julie Frederick of The Pet Sitter of Boise addressed early on when she was just starting her business.  We want to thank her for sharing her story:

While in the process of creating my first website, I searched Google for things like “New York City Pet Sitters.” and studied them, searching for ideas to apply to my website.

I really wasn’t interested in Mayberry USA Pet Sitters, even though that’s basically what I was!

I wanted to learn from and gain ideas from the biggest and the best pet sitting businesses out there.

While I searched for biggest and the best, I did not exactly want to copy them. My town is not New York City, it is Boise, Idaho. Boise is a mix of small town and big city. It is safe and people know their neighbors here. I wanted to look professional, but not too corporate.

I purposely made sure my website had a home-made look to it.

Over the years, I’ve tweaked my website over and over, thinking about my image each time.

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The PetSittingOlogy Mission is to Honor and Support You and Your Uniqueness

game plan for pet sitters

Does your pet sitting business have a mission statement in place?

Simply put, a mission statement is a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual.

Here at PetSittingOlogy (PSO), our mission statement has always centered around YOU.

We are consistently guided by these questions:

How can we help you be a successful business owner in the pet industry?

How can we help you build your ideal and dream business?

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Case Study: How You Can Rank in Google for the Keyword ‘Pet Sitting’

Are you looking to rank higher in Google results for a specific keyword?

Do you wonder why you may not be ranking at all for certain keywords?

I receive a variety of questions from pet sitters and this topic is quite possibly the most popular subject I am asked.  And, it’s one that I most enjoy speaking on.

SEO (search engine optimization), websites, and ranking in Google are all important conversations to have.

In a recent thread inside our Private Facebook group for PSO clients, pet sitter John Buttner of Specialized Pet Services in Omaha, Nebraska said he was having a difficult time ranking high in Google for certain keywords.

I asked which keywords and he wrote “The keywords would be pet sitting, dog boarding, pet sitter, doggie daycare, pet boarding, pet care.

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4 Proven Examples On How To Market Your Pet Sitting Business To Your Community

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In terms of marketing your business I can think of 1 quote: “These times they are a changin’.”

I would actually say they have already changed and to successfully market your business you need to adapt to the new marketing landscape. You’ve heard us talk about adding content, blogging, posting videos etc to up your online presence.

What about the other side of the marketing coin?  Is it still important to pound the pavement and get in front of people?  Definitely!

But that has changed too!  When is the last time you called a number that was printed on a pen?

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How Exactly is a Pet Sitter Website from PetSittingOlogy SEO Optimized?

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There are many moving parts to an effective, SEO-ready website that consistently ranks high in Google and inspires more of your visitors to take action and make contact with you.

When you choose to have a website built with PetSittingOlogy, you receive a fully done-for-you, WordPress-powered, SEO-ready, mobile-friendly and ready to go website.

We take pride in the sites we build for the industry, because we have found them to work well.  And by “work well” we mean that they are carefully crafted both behind the scenes and on the front pages to make Google happy and to make your ideal clients happy.

So, how exactly do we achieve a website that works well for you?

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Google Called and Wants Me To Verify My Business Listing: Is This Legit?

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You already know that running a business takes a great deal of focus, passion and determination.  And you know that it takes plenty of knowledge, insight and common sense.

Sometimes, even for the best of us, those qualities get tested.

The point?

(Keep reading and you can listen in on an actual recorded call from one of these companies!)

Have you yet received a call from Google (or someone claiming to be from Google) asking you to claim or confirm your Google Business Listing details?

I got one of these calls recently and have the entire chat recorded so you can finally see what is the motivation behind the call.

Chances are you have either gotten that call already or had a message left for you on the matter.

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More Pricing Strategies For Pet Sitters

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When we published this article here about 2 things to help you come up with a pricing structure, we knew that it didn’t cover the whole picture.  It was just 2 trees in the forest of price.  It was even mentioned in the article that there are other, variable factors that can help you determine price and that that particular article would only address 2.

Today’s article, however, delves into the forest and we will talk about other things you need to take into consideration when determining your answer to “how much do you cost?”.

The original article started a wonderful dialogue with Anthony Mucci, owner of Daily Dog Walkers in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. and he had much to add to the conversation about what to charge pet clients.  He has coached many pet sitters, both new comers to the industry and established companies.

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Why Negative Reviews Are Great For Your Pet Sitting Business

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Do you cringe if you get a bad review?  Do your hackles go up?  Do you worry that it is going to ruin your business and prevent you from getting new clients?

What if it is actually a good thing to get a bad review?

While everyone wants their business to have perfect 5-star reviews, studies have shown that what works best is a mix of high AND low reviews.

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