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How to Partner with a Vet and More: Live Q&A with Dr. Andy Roark [video]
Do you believe that it takes a team to have a successful business?
Mentors, colleagues, friends, industry professionals – it’s how you learn and grow and succeed.
We couldn’t be more excited that Dr. Andy Roark recently joined our team here at PSO and subsequently, your team as well!
Push Play and Watch Here
Show Notes
In this first (of hopefully many) live webinar, two things stood out:
First: Andy is a practicing vet. (read full bio below) As professionals in the pet industry, I cannot think of another more qualified referral source for clients than a vet. But HOW do you build a relationship with one? HOW do you get your foot in the door? We lay it all out for you within the first 20 minutes of the session.
Andy mentions that there are 3 things vets are most interested in:
- The well being of the pet
- The well being and care of the pet parent
- Profit, or income
In that order.
What does this mean for you? Listen to the hangout to hear how he suggests we go about contacting and building a relationship with a local vet in your area.
Second: As pet sitters, we often see pets in a different light than their owners. We may notice subtle changes that may be an indicator that the pet is in pain. Owners may think “oh, he’s just getting old”, or “he’s tired, we took a long walk yesterday” or “it’s hot so he’s not as active”.
Maybe. But maybe not. Maybe there is an underlying issue and the pet is trying to tell us something.
Subtle signs your pet may be in pain:
- Funky coat (yes, funky is the term he uses). Are there mats and/or dirty/oily fur on their hind end? Maybe the pet can’t groom because of neck or spinal pain.
- Panting or rapid breathing. Panting in cats is never normal and if you see this you should take them to a vet immediately.
- Restlessness. Are they up and down all night, can’t seem to get comfortable?
- Change in potty behaviors. Maybe they are peeing outside of the litter box because it literally hurts them to step up into the litter box.
- Getting grumpy (not acting the way it usually does)
Other signs not discussed in the session (but equally as important):
6. Not going where he used to (like up stairs)
7. Licking and chewing spots on their bodies
8. Doesn’t want to be picked up
Imagine your grandmother having to step over a wall to get to the bathroom. (I love his metaphors!!)
Tips for pain management without drugs
- Weight control
- Hot / cold pack therapy
- Acupuncture
- Stress management
- Physical therapy
Additional ways of dealing with pain:
- Therapeutic laser therapy
- Therapeutic ultrasound
- Cryotherapy
- Nerve stimulation therapy
- Shockwave therapy
Want more of Dr Andy Roark? We do too! We’ll keep you posted on upcoming webinars but we’re all about taking it one step further – come to our live conference to meet him in person and hear him as a keynote speaker!
Ask A VET Anything
Have a specific question you’d like Dr. Roark to address? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and we will make sure he receives it.
Dr. Andy Roark’s Bio
Dr. Andy Roark is a practicing veterinarian at Cleveland Park Animal Hospital in Greenville, S.C., where he lives out his dream of caring for animals and educating their owners on optimal pet health.
Dr. Roark is also the founder and managing director of a veterinary consulting firm, Tall Oaks Enterprises, LLC, as well as a member of the VetPartners consulting group. While in veterinary school at the University of Florida, Dr. Roark served as one of the first national presidents of the Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA). He currently serves on the NAVC Program Committee, the Veterinary Team Brief Advisory Board and the National VBMA Advisory Board.
A nationally recognized veterinary writer, speaker and thought leader, Dr. Roark pens regular columns for DVM Newsmagazine and Veterinary Team Brief.
Dr. Roark is also a dedicated concierge, chauffeur, storyteller, dress-up fashion consultant and diaper changer for two young daughters.
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