It’s OK To Steal, As Long As You Steal From The Best
Did you know that I steal from people every single day?
And I know you do, too (or at least you should be)!
I spent close to 15 years in the acting and film world before I became a pet sitter.
And one of the things that I still remember today from an acting teaching of mine was that very quote (about stealing from the best).
What exactly did she mean by this?
Was she condoning illegal or unethical activity?
Of course not.
She was referring to learning, studying, and applying the techniques of the best in the industry to yourself.
Whether it’s acting, a new website, or the next greatest invention, people “steal” inspiration from those respected around them.
That’s how we learn, create and discover our own great potential.
For example, I teach pet sitters how to create an amazing website from the success of my own pet sitting business website.
Over the past 4+ years, I continue to deliver articles, tools and resources and basically say, “Hey, this is how I do it and found it to work, you should do the same (steal it!).”