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The Top 3 Methods to Paying Your Pet Sitters [Video]

In this video, Nancy writes asking the following question:

How do you pay your ICs?

Great question, and as you’ll discover inside the video, there are 3 distinct ways you can choose to pay your pet sitters.

It all depends on the number of pet sitters you are paying, how often you are paying them, and a variety of personal preferences.

Since starting our pet sitting business, we’ve gone through each of the methods outlined in the video.

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Do Something Nice For Others This Month

Perfect HeartCan you believe September is here already? I was browsing the aisles of my local Walgreens yesterday and was shocked by the wall full of Halloween ghosts and goblins.

Doesn’t life just move too fast at times?

Maybe it’s the anticipation of the Fall (my favorite season), but each time September rolls around I begin to feel all warm, fuzzy and cozy inside. And that tends to make me overly giving and sentimental.

I have a special gift to share with you below.

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Fully SEO Your Pet Sitting Website – Look Beyond Keywords [Video]

pet sittingeoWant to hear a scary fact?  If you are only focusing on keywords when it comes to SEO and your pet sitting website, you are going to consistently miss out on a ton of new clients.

Why is that?  Simply because choosing the best keywords and implementing them on your site is just ONE part of a full SEO strategy.

Unfortunately, just focusing on keywords alone is like just getting partially dressed to start your day.

Sure, you might be decent enough to answer the door, but you’re a ways off if, let’s say, you have a meeting to attend.

In that case, you’ll have to finish getting dressed, put on your shoes and socks, brush your teeth, do your hair, put on some makeup, gather your belongings and get on your way.

Optimizing your pet sitting website for the search engines is an equally as involved process.

And as you’ll see in my video, it’s not that difficult or mysterious.

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How to hire a pet sitter in an area where you don’t yet have clients [Video]

In one of my last videos, I showed you 6 ways you can hire an IC (independent contractor) to grow your business and make more money.

One of the ways was to expand your service area.

I then received a wonderful question from a visitor who asked:

If you want to expand your service area and you don’t currently have clients in that area how do you hire someone to start working. Most people are looking for immediate work and pay. How would I entice someone to start from scratch working to build a client base?

This is a great question, and one I deal with all the time. Watch my video response below and please continue to submit your questions and leave comments.

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10 Qualities of the Perfect Pet Sitter Independent Contractor [Video]

In case you can’t tell, I’m pretty excited in this video below. And the reason is simple…

I just got off the phone with Amy — a potential independent contractor (IC) candidate, and she sounds perfect!

You see, there are at least 10 qualities you need to look for before inviting any pet sitter to join your team, and Amy nailed all of them in our first 20-minute phone call. (I list all 10 under the video.)

Who wants to hear the actual phone call I had today?

By the way, at Alitia’s Animals, we started recording all our phone calls (with permission, of course) and at the end of this video, you’ll learn how you can listen to the complete perfect phone call I had with Amy.

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Pet Sitting Business in a Box Free Give-away

How often do you update your pet sitting forms, documents and tools?

For Alitia’s Animals, we aim to take note of what’s working and what’s not at least once a year.  And it’s that time of year for us.

I started gathering the resources we use on a daily basis that all fit together to effectively run, manage and grow our pet sitting business.

These are everything from the intake form we use while taking that first new client phone call to the welcome home email we send to complete the job.

Do you have all your ducks in a row?

You need to consistently evaluate the tools you use day in and day out in your business to not only determine if they’re working, but to determine if they’re working the best that they can be.

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How Important Is Spelling, Grammar and Language In A Pet Sitting Ad Listing?

classifieds-listingI was strolling around the web this morning and found myself at the pet sitting services section on Craigslist.

Naturally, there are plenty of listings for pet sitters trying to find their next pet sitting client.

Some listings are from established companies, while others, uh, are not.

I’d like to share with you a listing that caught my eye. Unfortunately, it was for the wrong reasons.

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