There’s a set of rules for everything!We all know that Google has a peculiar set of “rules” that you must follow in order to rank well in their search results.
You may also know that getting your pet sitting website listing to show up in the Maps section is a whole other ball of wax.
First, a quick overview of these Map listings.
Whenever you do a search on Google for any local service (restaurant, electronic store, pet sitter…) Google will present you with a list of results local to you above the regular search results.
In order to have a chance to show up in these local results, you’ll need to submit your business through your Google Places for Business account.
A few Friday’s back, I sent out a last-minute note saying that I will be holding an impromptu phone chat on the topic of websites, WordPress and search engine optimization (SEO).
I asked for your most pressing questions and was joined on the call that provided wonderful dialogue lasting 45 minutes.
My wife Heather and I gave birth to Danica Irene on Monday, June 17, 2013 at 3:04pm. She entered the world at 6 lbs 15 oz. and 20 inches in length.
I’m quickly discovering that being a good dad requires many of the same qualities and traits as does a good business owner.
I’ve been a pet sitting business owner since 2008, and have run other online businesses since 1999.
And while I’ve only been a dad for 1 week (at the time of this writing), it’s becoming crystal clear that many of the same traits I have had to perfect as a strong business owner also come into play to become an amazing father.
The 5 Things I’ve Learned As A Dad Just 1 Week In.
Is your inbox crammed with spam email fighting for your attention?How much work and responsibility do we professional pet sitters have in a given day?
The answer is plenty.
We have to focus on things like landing that new client, coordinating staff schedules, updating the website, and returning phone calls and email.
The one thing we have zero time to focus on is spam cluttering our inbox.
And I am not talking about spam email from companies trying to sell us on services that claim to “Rank #1 in Google – Guaranteed!” (That is a completely different topic!).
I’m referring to the spam email that is designed to get you to click through to a malicious site.
Why Do People Send These Spam Emails, Anyway?
What’s the benefit to these people who want to direct you to these bad sites?
Where do YOU stand among other pet sitters around you?You know that phrase that says “you can’t please everyone?”
Well, I’m starting to believe that no matter what price you charge, some pet owners will still think it’s too much.
Get this…
We had a call recently from a woman that began like most others.
After spending 20 minutes on the phone it was time to discuss prices based on the needed service (daily dog walking). We quoted our fee for service and this was her reply:
“Wha?? I just spoke with someone who can do it for $12. Thanks very much. [click]”
Are all bites created equally? How do you handle them with pet sitting clients?As a business owner, you are faced with dozens of decisions every single day.
Some are big… (“Do I take on that client even though I see some red flags?” “Do I hire that person or go back to the drawing board?” “Who do I pay to redesign my pet sitting website?”)
While other decisions are not so big. (“Should I send a text or email?” “Do I run to the bank today or tomorrow?”)
Regardless of size, your ability to simply MAKE decisions will play a big role in the overall success of your pet sitting career.
The Big Decision — When To Drop A Pet Sitting Client
When is it time to drop a pet sitting client because of an aggressive dog?
Is it when the dog draws blood? Or when the dog growls and does not show signs of letting up?
Or is it close to never so you don’t lose out on the money?
These are the general choices a pet sitter has when faced with this decision.
I received this question from a Facebook fan and it’s a dilemma she finds herself in:
Prevent SEO from becoming a mystery that never gets solved.
Pet Sitters: I get it.
SEO (search engine optimization) is a big mystery.
On the surface, you might have a firm grasp on exactly what needs to be done, but even if you have done those things, you may not see results.
And we all know how frustrating it could be to put in some work and not see the results you were expecting.
Today’s question may put you in a better direction to make some real progress on your SEO efforts.
(And at the end of the post, you’ll have an opportunity to work directly with me and Bella Vasta on taking SEO by the horns and see results literally within 30 days 🙂
SEO: Where In The World Do I Begin?
This is the question I received:
Josh, with the WordPress SEO plug in, what’s the one (or few) things you would do first to quickly rise in rankings? I realize the algorithms for SEO are complex with many factors involved so there’s no “one” thing but what do you think of first when constructing sites? Blogging? Titles and descriptions? Other?
This is a great question and a very important one.
First, let me clarify that there is no magic bullet to “quickly rise in the rankings.” I understand what you are asking, but I just want to be clear that SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.
No one thing (or no few things) will have you quickly rise in Google or allow you to remain in Google.
Correct SEO is a series of ongoing and consistent efforts. And guess what?
With my pet sitting website system, it’s like I build you the house, and you furnish the inside!Your pet sitting website is most likely an extremely important part of your marketing plan and overall success.
Personally, my own pet sitting business relies exclusively on its website to keep the phone ringing and the food on the table!
Since 2009, I have been dispensing advice here on PetSittingOlogy primarily focusing on ways to enhance your website.
And in December 2011, I began offering pet sitters their own WordPress pet sitting website, completely designed and developed with SEO in mind.
Here is the answer to a common question I receive.