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Pricing Strategies For Pet Sitters – 2 Questions To Ask Yourself When Wondering What You Should Charge


One of the most common questions we get from potential clients is of course “How much do you cost?”.

It’s a question that we often ask when making a purchasing decision.  How many people sort their shopping list on Amazon “from lowest price to highest?” .  I don’t know that I’ve ever bought the lowest priced item but I definitely compare the VALUE of my options.

One of the most common questions pet sitters ask is “How much should I charge?” $10? $20?  $22.50? $45.00?

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How To Effectively And Efficiently Network Your Pet Sitting Business – And Have Fun Doing It!

Network for your pet business

A Note from Joshua Cary: Here is another solid article written by our friend, Laura Capra (of Keep Me Company Pet Sitting). It’s on the topic of networking, and it’s a continued conversation from our recent video training session with Derek Coburn.

Make sure to also watch that session on Youtube here.

With that, take some time to really understand and implement this new way of approaching your networking efforts. We look forward to keeping the dialogue going in the comments.

You know that psychology word game where a person says a particular word and you have to say whatever first comes to your mind after you hear it?  What word do you think of when you hear “networking”?

  • Fear
  • Intimidating
  • Pointless
  • Boring
  • Strangers
  • Group

That’s what a lot of people say.  Derek Coburn even wrote a book entitled “Networking Is Not Working” because in the old school sense, it’s not.

For most people it is a waste of time, it’s cold calling, you might as well put 50+ of your business cards in the trash because you are going to get the same amount of business if you were to pass 50 cards out at a networking event.

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How To Land Your Ideal Client Every Time (or at least 90% of the time)

your ideal client as a cupcake

Preface by Joshua Cary:

No matter what you find yourself doing in life, it will most likely be met with one of these three emotions:

  1. You get really excited and look forward to it.
  2. You have neutral feelings about the event or activity and understand it’s something that simply must get done.
  3. You cringe at the thought of it and can not wait for it to be over.

This could be anything in life from doing the dishes, packing for vacation, joining your spouse for a work event, or walking your new client’s pooch.

Let’s face it: Not all pet sitting clients are created equally.

Some we take on with a smile and would do so for zero dollars. While others we wish we didn’t take on for all the money in the world.

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Will Your Pet Sitting Clients Understand That You Are Taking Time Off To Attend A Conference For Pet Sitters?

pet sitting angry client
Do your clients get angry if and when you take time off?
So, you’re a hard-working professional pet sitter working 24/7, 365.

You’ve known for quite some time that a break (dare I call it a ‘vacation’?) would be amazing, but it’s far from possible, right?

You want to get away for even a short time, enjoy that much needed break, learn a thing or two, network with other professional pet sitters, and finally meet face to face those who you’ve known online for years.

(Not to mention, relaxing by a pool, soaking up some sun, and sipping on your favorite cocktail…)

But there is just one issue…

Your clients are going to be so mad at you for attending the PetSittingOlogy Live Event and Conference in Vegas, right?

Of course not. In fact, many attendees last year were in your exact shoes and they have actually seen their business GROW.

Are you worried that your clients are going to be mad at you if you come to the conference?

Are you worried that they will replace you with another pet sitter?  Do you feel guilty?  Responsible?

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Is Your Pet Sitting Business Ever Successful “Enough”? How The Pet Sitters Conference Is Beneficial To Both New Pet Sitters And Established Companies

a cup overflowing
Can you ever have too much success in your life? Is there ever a tipping point?

How do you define success?  Can you ever be successful enough?

Most of us have (or should have) goals for our business.  When we reach those goals, we consider ourselves successful and then make new goals, reach them…make new ones…it’s a never ending cycle as you and your business change, develop and grow throughout the years.

What are your business goals?  Have you reached ALL of them?  Are you comfortable with where your business is at and want to stay status quo?  Is that a good idea?  Is it even possible?

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. —Earl Nightingale (read more of Earl Nightingale quotes here.)

Along with defining your goals, you also need to define what “successful business” means to you and your company.  Maybe it is tied to how much money you make, maybe it is defined by positive client feedback, or how many new clients you get per month, or if you can go away on vacation and not worry about the business….everyone has a different definition of SUCCESS.

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20 Travel Tips For Traveling To The 2014 Pet Sitters Conference

Las Vegas skyline
Vegas, Baby! See you at the upcoming Pet Sitting Live conference: Oct 19 – 22, 2014.

Have you signed up for the 2014 PetSittingOlogy conference and are now wondering about all of the small details that make traveling just a little bit easier?  Will it be your first time on a plane?  First time to Vegas?  First time at a conference?

We’re here to help!  Whether you are a seasoned or unseasoned traveler, there are always things that are good to know!

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Creating the Most Impressive Conference Ever

Sweet lil Monkey

Have you been to a conference before and been unimpressed?

Maybe it was some industry conference, maybe it was a business class offered by a local college or business professional.

Did you walk into the room and not know anyone? Did you cordially put on your fake smile and say hello, and then sit down and bury your head in your phone until the lecture started?

And is that what it felt like – a lecture?

A broad overview on what you need to do to grow a successful business but no real, pertinent to you, how am I going to implement, nothing pertains to ME and my business.

So you leave and promptly forget everything you “learned” and don’t even remember the name of the person who sat next to you.

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A Step By Step Checklist On How To Attend The Pet Sitting Conference As A Sole Proprietor Of Your Business

Computer checklist

Don’t think you can go to the conference? Who will take care of your clients? Your animals? You don’t have a staff that can take over for a few days – it’s all on you. You barely ever get a full day off, let alone 4 days in a row, let alone to actually go somewhere!

Take a deep breath – we’re going to give you a step by step checklist to ensure that not only will your clients be prepared for your absence; they will be excited that you are going!

After all, they are going to benefit from everything you learn to make you and your business EVEN BETTER!

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Marcus Sheridan – The #1 Speaker and Speaker #1 To Kick Off The 2014 Pet Sitting Conference

Marcus SheridanWhen Marcus Sheridan of the Sales Lion signed on for the 3rd Annual PetSittingOlogy Conference, I was all excited to share the news.

My plan was to do some research online, put together a great blog about his business story, books that he has been involved with, accolades about his accomplishments and how lucky you’ll be if you sign up for the conference with him on board.

Blah, blah, blah – boring!

(He would have been disappointed.)

You can find out all of that information on his Sales Lion web site. The key to listening to Marcus, is that he is so much more than his story. Marcus can tell you about Marcus, I want to tell you why you want to hear him in person!

SIDE NOTE: Registration now open for the 2014 Conference!

If you’ve been to a Petsittingology conference before, you’ve been motivated, empowered and inspired by Marcus.

Once on the brink of business failure due to the down turn of the economy, he turned it around – and he shares his story with his audience. His is not a Woe-Is-Me-I’m-Going-To-Chuck-It-All-Life-Sucks kind of story.

It’s more of a survival story, of making it happen, of not just talking about implementing ideas – of actually DOING THEM.

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