Many of us in the professional pet care industry hold ourselves to a high standard and work ethic.
We take great pride in the care we provide, the job we do, and the business we run.
We are professionals.
Since there are no exams to pass or degrees to obtain in order to open up shop and call yourself a pet sitter, the line is sometimes blurred between a professional pet business owner and someone simply attempting it.
Pet Sitters International (PSI) published a wonderful blog article recently about professionalism in our industry. [Read it here: The Most Important “ism” for Pet Sitters]
In it, they presented several specific questions that every pet parent should ask the pet sitter who she is considering to hire.
Presented here is the other side of the coin detailing how the pet sitter must position herself well before a potential client makes contact.
Much of the decision to contact you is already made in the mind of the pet owner within a few minutes of viewing your website.
Therefore, you as the professional business owner must present yourself in the most professional manner at the very first point she comes across your brand in order to even get the chance she’ll consider hiring you.
In other words, if your website design, look, feel, layout, colors, images, photos, content, articles, videos, and reviews do not quickly set the visitor at ease she will leave and look elsewhere.
So how do you position yourself as a professional before your potential client ever makes contact with you?