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Pet Sitters Who Blog are More Successful than Pet Sitters Who Do Not Blog – Here’s Why.

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Adding a blog to your pet sitting website will put you ahead of the competition – and it’s easier than you think.

How in the world does blogging help a pet sitter get more clients?

And how does blogging help with SEO (search engine optimization)?

These are just two great questions I was asked recently in a Facebook group.

Let me begin, first, with what I mean when I say “Pet Sitters who blog are more successful than pet sitters who do not blog.”

Today – sure – there may be some very successful pet sitters who have never blogged a day in their lives. And those are the exceptions to the rule.

The business world around us in changing – and it’s changing very quickly.

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How To Use WordPress – The Webinar Replay [video]

Walking Tour of WordPress: Why WordPress is the Only Website Building Tool You’ll Need

In the one-hour long webinar below, Joshua Cary leads pet sitters through the entire WordPress system.

Whether you are completely new to the WordPress system, or looking to take your web building skills to the next level, you’ll discover why WordPress is the only web building tool of choice, and how it will put YOU in control of every aspect of your pet sitting website.

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Help, I’m just so frustrated with my pet sitting website!

crying babySee those words up in the title above?

Take a guess how often I hear those exact words?

Whether it’s about getting your pet sitting website up and running properly, trying to land in Google, or trying to make a simple update, managing your own pet site does not have to be confusing, difficult or the source of major aggravation.

And to add a bit of good news to the mix… Do you know how easily frustration in general can be cured?

Why Do Things Create Frustration To Begin With?

The definition of frustration is clear: The feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

We usually become frustrated when we are not able to complete a task that we otherwise believe we are skilled enough to complete.

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WordPress for Pet Sitters: Plugins

The Anatomy of a WordPress Plugin

When you hear the word WordPress, what comes to mind?

For some, it’s complete dread, confusion and frustration. For others, it’s a time-saving platform that is used to power their entire pet sitting website.

I’ve been using and recommending WordPress for many years now, with its power and flexibility only continuing to grow.

As we move forward, there is plenty we’ll be covering in regards to the major benefits of using WordPress for your pet sitting website, but this article is all about the WordPress Plugin.

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