For this edition of the PetSittingOlogy Digital Series, Josh Cary interviews writer and entrepreneur John…
Step One for Pet Sitters is to Understand How Search Works (Everything Else Will Follow)

Are you happy with where your pet sitting website lands in Google when a potential client searches for, let’s say, ‘pet sitter + [your town]?’
Are you wondering how to improve your search rankings or how to show up in Google more often?
First, you must understand how search works to begin with.
And what better way to get a quick primer than from the horses mouth!
Watch this 3-minute video from Matt Cutts (part of the quality search team at Google) for the basics. (Then, don’t miss the upcoming webinar announced below!)
Points to Consider:
So, what exactly happens when a potential client of yours hops online to search for your services?
After a user types in a search term, according to Google, “Our software searches our index to find every page that includes those search terms.”
There are usually hundreds of thousands of pages, right?
How does Google decide which few pages to include near the top of their results?
By asking questions. Over 200 of them. Many of those 200 hundred questions are known only to Google, while webmasters can use a few dozen known questions to help improve websites.
It All Comes Down to The Content On Your Page
Perhaps you’ve heard that it helps to create original, relevant content for your visitors.
Even if you cringe at the thought of writing articles or blog posts, all hope is not lost.
There are plenty of ways you can still create content that your users will love and that Google will love.
Get your share of the ‘search engine traffic’ pie!
Join Marcus Sheridan (The Sales Lion) and Joshua Cary for a content-filled webinar on, well, content!
Content Writing Basics: What it is, Why it works, When to do it (how often) and How to do it properly!
You will learn how to improve your Google rankings by focusing on keywords while creating content.
Marcus will also discuss in greater detail sections from his ebook:
- How to come up with 100 blog articles in 10 minutes
- 7 content ideas that will blow up your pet sitting business
Click Here and register right now to reserve your completely complimentary spot!
Save the Date: December 12th, 2012, Wednesday, at 7:00 PM Eastern
(It will be recorded but you must register today for replay link.)