I'm pretty certain even hearing the word 'taxes' sends a knot through your stomach. No…
5 Small Business Articles I Wrote That Will Help Pet Sitters Succeed
Earlier this month, I was thrilled to be asked to write for the Technorati Small Business Channel.
Technorati was founded to help people discover great blog content, and their network of media sites was just ranked the 5th largest media property.
Needless to say, I’m stoked to have been given this opportunity to expand my business knowledge to a wider audience.
With that said, below are the first 5 articles published on Technorati. I’m certain pet sitters can find value in these posts.
I look forward to your comments…
1: Are Your Customers Secretly Talking Behind Your Back?
What if all the countless hours you put into your business went down the drain because of a problem you weren’t aware of?
2: Stop Wasting Your Time Trying To Land On The First Page Of Google
Working tirelessly to land on the first page of Google is great. But if no one visits your site (or buys from you), what’s the use?
3: How Alex Trebek Has Changed My Life
Succeeding in business can be the difference between what you know and what you don’t know. Make sure you know a lot.
4: You and Twitter Really Need To Kiss and Make Up
Do you feel like the entire world is making Twitter work for their business while you just get left behind? Let’s change that.
5: Do You Have Your Own Personal Simon Cowell?
When’s the last time you took a step back to see what’s working in your business and what isn’t? An outside view may be just what you need.
My Technorati Profile Page: http://technorati.com/people/JC10002/
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