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The 4 Steps to Winning More Pet Sitting Clients

In this comprehensive training call created exclusively for Association of Pet Sitting Excellence (APSE) members, you’ll discover the 4 steps that you must successfully achieve in order to gain new pet sitting clients.

As you’ll see, if any of the steps are skipped, you simply can not LOGICALLY gain a new client.

I outline each step in detail and explain why it’s important. Click Play on the Video Now.

Is APSE Really The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread?!

Sure, as co-founder of APSE I’m certainly a little biased. However, our members do sing our praises and we’ve been called “the greatest thing since sliced bread!”

We hope to stand out and offer the pet sitting industry tools, resources, and a community that otherwise does not exist elsewhere.

That’s one of our big goals.

Don’t Miss Our Upcoming Virtual Conference

APSE has put together the first virtual conference for the pet sitting world.

It takes place over 4 days – October 23 – 26, 2010 – and registration is now open.

We gathered 20 experts on topics you voted on.

Get the details on the APSE Virtual Conference page!

I Will Work Hard To Improve Your Pet Sitting Website

My passion is (perhaps obviously) working with pet sitters on every aspect of their website to help grow their business.

If you like the advice and blog posts here on PetSittingOlogy, you will absolutely adore what’s going on inside the APSE message boards.

Plus, during the upcoming virtual conference, I’ll be presenting two webinars, including Build a Pet Sitting Website That Coverts Visitors Into Clients.

See all 20 topics and presenters now.

I look forward to working closely with you!

*Would YOU like us to work on your Website?*

If you are looking to dramatically improve your website results by appearing on the front page of Google (like we have done for hundreds of your professional pet industry colleagues), then review the options here and let's compare notes!

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Josh Cary is a respected and well sought-after speaker and business consultant within the professional pet care industry. Since 2009, having grown his own pet sitting business, Josh provides his industry with the tools, support, and resources to build and maintain a thriving and respected pet business.

With a strong focus on digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and website development, Josh’s one mission is to help you Get Found First through a professional and effective website.

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