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Day 7: Helen Woodward Animal Center

Day 7

Helen Woodward Animal Center, California


Located on 12 acres of land, Helen Woodward Animal Center is a unique, private, non-profit organization in San Diego County that, for over 30 years, has been committed to the philosophy of people helping animals and animals helping people. We are a no-kill facility that receives no government funding and relies heavily on tax-deductible contributions from private donors to continue our life-saving mission.

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25 Days of Animal Rescue & Shelter Spotlight

Days 1 -6

santa-dogDoesn’t this time of year just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

During the season of giving, consider giving the gift of a second chance.

Every pet adoption and rescue shelter I come across online breaks my heart, and I wish I could take in all of the animals in need.

While that’s not possible, I’ll try and do the next best thing and help spread the word to those who can save an animal’s life.

If you would like to recommend a rescue group for this list, please leave a comment below with the details and we’ll do our best to showcase it.

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I’d Rather Live With A So-Called ‘Vicious’ Pit Bull Than With Most Of The People I Know

racial-profilingOctober 24 was National Pit Bull Awareness Day, which is a nationwide event to bring positive awareness to the heavily misunderstood breed.

Why do I feel so strongly about speaking up for the Pit?

Maybe it’s because I often feel misunderstood myself.  Or that I love all animals equally.  Or that I’d rather spend time with a furry creature than with most of the people in my life.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m a Leo, as social as they come, and label myself a ‘people person.’  But if our focus remains on proposed legislative bills to specifically ban dogs based exclusively on its breed, I’d like to turn the tables for a minute and shine the light on the human.

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14 Signs Your Pet May Need Immediate Attention and Care

pet-first-aidPicture this: you are caring for a client’s pet and notice a drastic change in its eating habits. Or the poor pooch has some sort of discharge oozing from her eye. Or worse yet, the dog is breathing in a way that can’t be good.

Something’s got to be done. And quick. What do you do? You remain calm, compose yourself and put your plan into action.

You do have a plan… don’t you?

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