Ugh, who else is struggling with their Facebook business page or social media stuff!? I…
My Most Profound Moment in Our Industry [with Video]
As you know, we are back from our pet sitting conference that was wildly successful for a variety of reasons (both personally and professionally). Many who attended are experiencing moments of gratitude and elevation, myself included, and are embracing this experience of personal growth and development. It’s clear to see how it positively impacts EVERY part of life and business.
I’ll have plenty more to share on this topic in the coming days and with that, I’ve been working to create a community for those who appreciate this focus and are looking to grow, find meaning in your work, and gain a sense of clarity in all you do.
My vision is for a new kind of pet industry organization that we can all benefit from together. A safe and supportive place where we learn and grow “in real time” alongside each other. I hope you will join me soon. Here is the scoop:
Introducing The Josh Cary Collective
“Gain the Confidence and Courage to Take a Big Step Forward.”
How would you like to create lasting positive change within yourself? And how would you like that change to have a direct and immediate impact within the professional pet industry?
Get ready to join in and become part of The Josh Cary Collective, a supportive and private community to focus on personal growth and development for the benefit of your life, business, and industry. Through daily ritual, gratitude, and connection, you will work through emotional blocks, envision your best life possible, and brilliantly find success in all you do.
The word ‘collective’ is defined as “done by people acting as a group” and it’s an honor to be given the chance to work together for the greater good (both personally and professionally). There will be equal focus on one’s self and one’s business, bringing together tools, resources, people, and insight like I’ve always done in the past. I will bring my best work to the community.
The continual focus will be on, what I call, The Core Four.
The Core Four:
Better You. Better Business. Better Industry. Better Life.
In short:
Better YOU will focus on daily ritual towards personal growth and development.
Better BUSINESS will continue to resemble all the tools, training sessions, and resources I currently provide via PSO.
Better INDUSTRY will focus on working together collectively to improve the professionalism and reputation of our beloved industry. This is, in part, the category where the documentary movie fits, and will also pick up on some themes we touched upon during the conference panel discussion we had with NAPPS and PSI. (You will have a chance to receive a copy of the entire 60+ minute video.)
Better LIFE is a beautiful outcome of the other three!
A more detailed view of each core focus is below. But first, you might appreciate watching my opening remarks from our recent conference, that set the tone for this experience, and will further help put things into perspective.
Push Play and Watch Josh Cary’s Opening Remarks from #PSO2016
Clearly, there is a lot here. And I firmly believe that it’s the correct time for a collective movement. A shift. Both in ourselves on a personal level, and one in our businesses and the industry as a whole.
This is all new for me too!
Since embracing my willingness to grow for the good of my personal life, business, and industry (by first looking inward and taking full accountability and responsibility for what I know needs to be done), I am very aware that any positive change takes consistent and deliberate (daily) action.
I am, in part, creating this community so we can do this together, and be accountability partners and support each other in every way. If you like the idea of leaving a legacy, are determined to make a difference, and want to focus on personal development, we are “your people!”
Here is a more detailed version of The Core Four:
Better You. A willingness to take an honest look within yourself will have a profound impact on every part of your life. Personal growth and development is the foundation of a successful journey. With a focus on a Better You, you will gain meaning, clarity, and a sense of purpose. As a result, you will increase your confidence, skill, and ability to achieve all you put your mind to and will feel more empowered to experience life as your most authentic self.
Better Business. Your business is a direct reflection of you and begins with your personal relationships. When you flourish and exude confidence, you will attract in abundance what you most desire, including the perfect clients and resources (people) who will be available to bring your business to each new level that it’s ready to reach. You will gain the cooperation of others with ease, and your business will see no limits.
Better Industry. By definition, our industry is the sum result of each individual part. In order to create a movement that improves the professionalism and public perception of an industry, we need to first take personal responsibility and accountability for our own actions and collectively support each other. The better the individuals who make up the industry, the better we all become. From here, our voice becomes one, our ideas are inspired, and our motivation is selfless. A win-win-win all around.
Better Life. This core value is the ultimate byproduct of the other three. It’s the thing every human being strives for. We all want the same outcome: a life full of happiness, joy and love. We want acceptance and to feel appreciated. I have recently realized that personal growth requires specific and deliberate consistent action. There must be a willingness to change and to feel a bit uneasy at times. Let’s discover together and learn to be the best version of ourselves as possible.
As Jim Rohn put it,
“Unless you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got.”
I’m ready. Are you?
Really excited about this new initiative, and looking forward to being a part of it with all of you! -Kim