SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is about all the ways you can improve your website to…
What A Grade School Assignment Can Teach You About Growing Your Pet Sitting Business
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who would tell you that they love you, but would never really show you?
We are very aware of the difference, right?
When somebody only tells you something in words without ever showing it through action or effort, you naturally begin to feel a bit short changed.
The words alone have less and less meaning.
Well, this may come as a surprise but…
Your website visitors are no different, and if you want to have a powerful effect on each visitor (you know, on the pet owners who can become your potential clients) begin to utilize the grammar school assignment of Show & Tell.
Who Didn’t Love Show & Tell Day?
Show & Tell, as you remember, was where you got to pick something that you loved from home to bring in to show the class and tell them all about it. If it was just called Tell it would not have the same effect.
Sadly, many pet sitters are only telling their website visitors what they offer with nothing to show for it.
Here is a quick story about comedian Dana Carvey and how you can apply the Show & Tell technique to your own pet sitting business.
Comedy Is Funny.
I was watching an episode of Conan recently and Dana Carvey was the guest.
I grew up watching Dana on Saturday Night Live and in his movies, and he was equally as brilliant in the Conan interview as he was twenty years ago.
He, in the span of 9 minutes, must have went through a dozen or so impressions from people like Presidents Obama and Bush, to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Pierce Morgan.
All flawless.
I was inspired to jump online and post something on Facebook about how hysterical he was.
I got to thinking…
I could post a simple status update, as in:
“Just watched Dana Carvey on Conan – as brilliant as ever!”
and leave it at that. OR…
I could post the same status update and attach a short Youtube clip demonstrating the brilliance.
Which would have a more direct impact and emotional response from you?
So, what’s the difference between the two, and what does this have to do with your pet sitting business?
In the example above, by just posting the status update alone, you are doing nothing more than telling your audience.
By including a video clip along with the update, you are now showing your audience. You are giving them proof. You are giving the status update some context. You are actively engaging the person.
Without the video clip to show, it would be as if you are standing in front of the class just telling them about this neat thing called a Cabbage Patch Doll you have at home.
Revisit Your Pet Sitting Website Content
Go back to your pet sitting website and read through your own content.
Are you doing nothing more than simply telling your audience how you good you might be, and how excited the pets will be, and what the benefits of hiring a pet sitter are?
By the way, while displaying logos of your accomplishments are advisable, they are not enough to stand on their own.
Go one step further and find ways to SHOW your audience, too.
Take photos of you playing with every pet you care for.
Allow your website visitors to see just how much you enjoy your job. And how much the pets enjoy you.
Video the pets.
All you need is a about 30 seconds of you interacting and bonding with the pet. Your smart phone can handle this with ease.
Get reviews and testimonials.
You may have tried to get some testimonials in the past and it didn’t turn our so well. If that’s the case, you may need to be a bit persistent with asking for a testimonial. Don’t be afraid to call the potential client and ask directly for a testimonial. Don’t be afraid to leave a paper form for them to fill out and leave for you the next time you visit. Keep at it.
Since not everyone will provide a written testimonial, you have to ask plenty of clients to get a decent return.
Want the ultimate way to show your website visitors why they should hire you?
Ask a client for a video review. Have them fire up their smart phone (or you fire up yours with them) and ask them to speak for 30 seconds on what they love most about you and your service.
This will put you well ahead of your competition (who else is doing this right now?).
Don’t think your clients would shoot a video testimonial for you? Ask and you may be surprised.
The bottom line is that people LOVE (really love) giving feedback on a service they enjoy.
Continue to find ways to show your potential clients what you do, how you do it and why you do it and more clients will naturally gravitate to you over your competition.
Doing the same as everyone else does nobody any good.
Find ways to stand out and differentiate yourself from your competition and you will have more potential clients begging for your business.
Tell us one thing below
I want to know… Right now, what is one way you could SHOW your website visitors that you are the pet sitter they need to hire?
(Feel proud of the professional service you provide!)
I have added video to my business. I send them to my clients and I post them on my website. The response has been fantastic! Actions speak not only louder than words they are also louder than pictures when it comes to letting your clients and potential clients really see what you do.
When I do new client phone consultations they nearly always tell me they called me because of my client testimonials that my clients have graciously posted on Google. I also copied them and placed them on my site. I am not shy about asking for testimonials and will ask during the initial consultation visit by saying I hope they also will leave a review of my service after they return. Then I follow up with an email request with links to do just that.
I am so excited to know, Sherry, that you have experienced first hand the power of video. What is the content of your video? Do you have a link you can share?
Also, it’s great that you are not shy, as you put it, when it comes to asking for a testimonial.
I truly believe that in order to be a successful small business owner (and entrepreneur – which is what we all are here), you NEED to be persistent in being able to get what you want. It’s a true skill and talent to be able to know exactly what your business needs every step of the way and how you intend on getting that need met.
Without that push, your business will remain stagnant and could not grow.
Love how you relate it to comedy and the classroom.
Thanks Bella!
I’m always looking for ways to connect things outside of our industry to our industry. I think it’s helpful to understand that we as pet sitters do not need to reinvent the wheel. And as business owners we should simply follow many of the rules for success already established in other communities and we will be in good shape.
I have video and photos on my website, and stagnant old reviews. Thank you so much for the Video review idea!
Since I recently ‘video reviewed’ your website, Rita, I can say you are well on the right track with it. You have great photos, and great videos. Keep it going. Try and get a favorite client to give you a video testimonial and post it prominently on your site!
With my City Grid advertising, they are working with Studio Now to shoot a free professional video “commercial” for me and we’ve been trying to come up with an idea for it… Now I have it! A CLIENT VIDEO TESTIMONIAL!
Amazing! What great timing, Rita. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
Thank you for such a fantastic idea. You are right….why don’t pettsitters think of such a simple thing. It is even better than all the referral letters you could post or pass out in a portfolio. thak you again. Phillip Hensley dba “grandpa’s Pet Care”
Happy to hear, Phillip, that you find the idea useful. Sometimes it’s the seemingly simple things that we overlook. Let us know how you decide to implement this one. And thanks for stopping by.