For this edition of the PetSittingOlogy Digital Series, Josh Cary interviews writer and entrepreneur John…
How To Create A Visual Service Area Map for Your Pet Website [Video]

While it’s advisable and recommended to have a “Service Area” page that lists the towns, neighborhoods, zip codes and/or areas you serve, it can also be helpful to include a visual reference for your visitors.
Did you know that Google Maps makes it simple enough to create your own custom map that defines your own service area?
Side Note: I made a video like this over a year ago, but since that time, Google has updated the maps method so that video is no longer relevant.
Google is always keeping us on our toes and you can be sure I’m always keeping up.
Create A Defined Service Area To Embed On Your Website
Watch this short video to create a custom map for your pet sitting business.
PS – You’ll Need A Google Account For This…
Please Note: You do need to be signed into a Google Account in order to create your map. If you do not have a Google Account (Gmail, Google Plus, Youtube Account…) take this time to create one.

Your Google account will now tie right in with your Google Plus account (that’s Google’s social network – and it WILL be something down the road you’ll want to focus on to assist with your SEO efforts. But no worries now, that’s for another day!)
Press play and enjoy the video:
Questions? Issues?
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments with creating and embedding your map.