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How Is Your Pet Sitting Business Like Baking A Chocolate Cake?

chocolate cakeTruth be told, I’m not much of a cook. Ironically, I love food so that’s a bit of a dilemma.

What I’m most comfortable treating myself to is the quick and easy chocolate goodness provided by Duncan Hines Chocolate Cake – yes, right out of the box.

For my money, there’s nothing much simpler than following the directions:

Step 1 – Preheat oven.

Step 2 – Blend ingredients.

Step 3 – Bake 30 minutes.

That’s all there is to it. And the outcome greatly outweighs the skill involved to achieve the result.

But, What If…?

Baking a cake from a box is admittedly a simple process. Follow a few steps and wait a bit and you’ve got yourself a delicious cake.

But let’s not take the step by step process for granted. Because whether you realize it or not, most everything we look to accomplish in our day to day life is the direct result of following small, specific steps to reach the desired goal.

For example, what would happen if you didn’t follow the cake direction steps in order, and decided to ‘bake for 30 minutes’ before blending all the ingredients?

Or what if you looked for a shortcut and instead of baking at 375, you baked at 575?

Clearly the results in both cases would not yield the result you are looking for.

A Simple Example Makes The Case

The cake example may sound ridiculous because we know that no one would alter such a basic recipe and expect good results.

Yet, in our pet sitting business the danger is a bit less obvious.

Think back to the last new client that you successfully landed. What was the process like?

Contact was made either by email or phone. Communication was established. Questions were answered. Stories were shared. Information was exchanged. Appointments were set up. Forms were sent, filled out and returned. Payment was accepted.

Those are steps. If you could replicate the exact steps you took with the last new client you successfully brought on board each time contact is made, you’ll have a much higher ‘new client’ ratio.

The biggest problem we face as pet sitting business owners is one of two things:

1) We either wing it each time a potential new client comes on board and wind up missing some integral steps in the process.

Or 2) We subconsciously veer slightly from what we know works and the entire outcome is compromised.

Yes, This Can Be Learned

The whole thing is an art and science that can be learned and perfected.

And once you learn and perfect the process of converting more potential clients into new clients, you will certainly grow your pet sitting business as big as wish.

Do you want to know what the best part of all this is?

The steps you want to master are as easy as that Dunkan Hines cake recipe. No joke.

To prove this point, I asked my good friend and fellow pet sitting business owner, Bella Vasta, to share with us her 7 basic steps that she follows each and every time she speaks to a new pet owner.

It literally goes back to the basics and is responsible for year after year growth in Bella’s business.

PetSittingOlogy readers are invited to attend my upcoming webinar with Bella at no cost whatsoever to discover these 7 basic steps that will lead to more new clients.

Here are the details. There are only a few dozen more spots available, so register now.

Live Webinar Details

7 Ways to Give Yourself a 20% Raise This Year Simply By Going Back To The Basics!

Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Time: 8:00pm Eastern / 7:00pm Central / 6:00pm Mountain / 5:00pm Pacific

Bella will spell out in detail each of the 7 BASIC steps that you must follow to land more gigs, close more sales, and live happier!

As she told me, it’s the exact plan she uses herself to continually increase her income year after year.

Space is limited to a first come (those who sign up) first served basis. Won’t you join us?

Sign up right now to reserve your seat:


And please leave your thoughts, questions or comments for Bella or me in the comments below.

See you on the webinar soon…

Photo Credit: texascooking

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Josh Cary is a respected and well sought-after speaker and business consultant within the professional pet care industry. Since 2009, having grown his own pet sitting business, Josh provides his industry with the tools, support, and resources to build and maintain a thriving and respected pet business.

With a strong focus on digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and website development, Josh’s one mission is to help you Get Found First through a professional and effective website.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. This is definitely one of those areas that takes a lot of practice. I don’t want to sound like a canned pitch. I want to cover the areas smoothly, in a relationship building sort of way. I am looking forward to this webinar. The phone call is a very critical first or second impression…I want a halo over my head in my client’s mind!

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