SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is about all the ways you can improve your website to…
Why You Absolutely Must Have A Pet Sitting Website
While some may argue the most important way to promote your pet sitting business is with fliers trying to partner with groomers, pet stores and vet offices, it is no doubt even more important to promote your pet sitting business online with your own website.
Here is why…
We live in a digital age, right? An age where text messaging, Google searching, Facebook and Twitter have become the norm. This means you absolutely must go where your potential clients are searching for your service – online. We spend more hours these days at work, in a cubicle, behind a computer screen than ever before.
Sadly, we don’t have time to grab a flier or business card from the local pet store and call the number, send an email or visit the website to ‘get more info.’
The reality is that when we finally find a free moment in our hectic lives, we’ll take a break from the website we’re currently on and do a search because, “Oh my goodness, it’s already Thursday and I’m leaving Sunday morning for a week!” (I receive so many last minutes; it’s not even funny!)
My point is that we live in such a fast-paced, hyper-connected world and barely take a moment to come up for air from the World Wide Web. So, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! Spend time showing up where your clients are looking for you – invest in a website.
And you need not even invest a lot of money into your website. Simply invest the time and the knowledge to know what a good website for your pet sitting business should look like.
Visit other popular pet sitting websites to determine:
- How your pet sitting website should operate
- What pages it should include
- What information it should contain
But beware, there is a lot of misinformation when it comes to building, designing, marketing and promoting a website. There are no magic formulas and no one can ‘guarantee’ you first page placement on Google (except if they are paying for advertising space).
Today, 99% of my advertising and promotion for Alitia’s Animals is done only online through my website. The only paid advertising is through Citysearch. The rest is simply utilizing my website to harness the power of the Internet.
Here’s an interesting fact…
Did you know that literally tens of thousands of searches are performed each month looking for the very service you provide? For example, keywords like “pet sitting in ny, new york dog walker, cat sitting nyc…” Your website should be coming up in the search engines when those tens of thousands of people are searching for you!
In another post, we’ll look at a simple way to figure out if it’s better to target keywords like ‘pet sitter vs. pet sitting’ or ‘Chicago dog walking vs. Dog walker in Chicago.’ As you’ll see, it can make all the difference…
If you do not yet have a website, why not?
If you do have a website, how many of your current clients found you through it?
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