SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is about all the ways you can improve your website to…
The Best Way to Track Your Keyword Placement In Google Is Not Always A Google Search
Every so often, I’ll receive an email from a pet sitter who says something like the following:
“Hi Josh, I’ve made some additions to my website, and I don’t see my site coming up in the search results for my keywords. Help!”
While I’m always happy to help, and while there are plenty of directions to take in this case, I’m always interested to know HOW this person knows where their website ranks for various keywords.
Typically, you will search Google yourself for a handful of keywords that you want to rank for. You may even ask nearby friends, family or other pet sitters to help you in the hunt for your Google rankings.
Sadly, this approach for all of us is flawed.
My 8am Rant!
This morning as I was driving to my office, I pulled out my iPhone and recorded my thoughts on this very topic.
This is the unedited version.
Say Hello to Google Personalization
Whether you realize it or not, Google likes to personalize your search results specifically for you, based on a wide variety of factors.
As Google themselves put it: “Google sometimes personalizes your search results based on your past search activity on Google. This search history personalization includes searches you’ve done and results you’ve clicked.
Why do they do this, you might ask?
Again, I’ll let Google handle this one: “By personalizing your results based on your search history, we hope to deliver you the most useful, relevant content for your search. Search history personalization is just one of the ways that we show you more personalized search results.”
So, What’s A Pet Sitter To Do?
If you want to turn off Google search personalization (on some level), you can follow these steps directly from Google.
This may give you a better, more accurate result.
However, if you want the most accurate result, and you want to see exactly where you rank in Google, Yahoo and Bing for your chosen keywords on a daily basis, join me on this page.
Not only will the tool on the next page give you a daily, accurate representation of where you are for each term everyday, you will be able to work directly with Bella Vasta and me inside our masterclass so you know exactly what to do with the results.
Knowing where you truly rank in the search results is a great start. Knowing what action to take based on the rankings is even better.
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