Want Your Very Own Virtual Office Manager for Your Pet Sitting Business?
All Good Things Must Come To An End…
It’s been a good run. At this time, we have stopped offering our virtual office service. After three years of answering calls for pet business owners, we made the decision to focus our energy and resources on the core services and goal of PetSittingOlogy.
Please continue to rely on us for your professional SEO and website needs, our upcoming PSO Membership Training, and our Annual Live Pet Care Conference!

How does the idea of having your very own virtual office manager sound?
Whether you are a sole proprietor handling every aspect of your business yourself, or you manage staff and can use an extra hand, this may be just what you need.
Picture this… Your virtual office manager will answer your phone with a friendly, professional voice – Using your script, your company tone, your pricing structure, your details.
Have your personal office manager immediately handle all your incoming phone calls and incoming email submissions, too.
And the best part is that this takes place in the NJ office where I (Josh Cary) spend my days – this is NOT an outsourced operation.