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One Simple Question That Opened Up A World Of Good For Us
Like you, we’ve taken many many calls since the day we opened for business.
But only recently have we added one new question to our phone script.
In this audio clip below, you’ll hear Kristie ask the question, “Have you ever used a professional pet sitter before?”
We learned this technique through Bella Vasta’s Killer Phone Script Service and, as you’ll see, there is a ton that you discover from just this one question.
We were speechless with what we learned in the call below. Then we were able to lead the call in the correct direction and land the new client!
Here’s a 90-second audio clip that came in from a recent call.
Kristie is our office manager (and the one who answers the phones for other pet sitters using our Virtual Office Manager service).
Listen for 90 seconds:
What can we learn from this dialogue?
-The importance of following specific directions given by client (even if you think you know better).
Apparently, the pet sitter was given explicit directions on where to give the injection. Choosing another location (either by accident or deliberately) caused an emergency situation that should have been avoided.
Do you follow all directions that are specifically given? Are you asking all the right questions so you have all your bases covered?
-The importance of asking, “Have you ever used a professional before?”
If this one question was not asked, we may never have learned that this client is solely focused on finding a trustworthy individual who can properly care for her 16 year old cat that needs meds.
Do you think this client is price shopping? Or concerned about price? Of course not.
Get in the habit of asking this question and you’ll be amazed at what you can learn.
(And take Bella’s phone script class – it will amaze you!)
-The importance of investigating further whether they say YES or NO to ever using a pro before.
When asked if she ever used a professional pet sitter before, the potential client simply answered, “Yes.”
If Kristie had left this at face value and assumed that since she used a pro before that she doesn’t need as much selling or as many details on how the process works, she never would have learned THE MOST IMPORTANT part of the call:
The potential client has had a catastrophic situation in the past and desperately wants to avoid this again.
You need this information so you can best understand what the pet owner’s biggest fear, desires and concerns are.
Do not be afraid to ask pressing questions. “What happened the last time you used a professional service?” “What went wrong?” etc.
People are more than willing to share their past experiences with you – and it’s your job to discover them!
So, Now It’s Your Turn
What do you make of all this? What can we learn from the recording? How would you have handled it?
I always ask this, you do get a lot of information from it and it lets me know whether I have to go in detail of what a pet sitter actually does and of course what we can do for them. She is brave to try a pet sitter after what happened
So true, Brenda, about client being brave! I suppose she knew better that the other alternative is asking friend, family, neighbor or hobby-ist (and that wasn’t an option for her). I suppose we forget that not all pet sitters are created equally 🙁 That’s why it’s best to strive to provide better and better service.
WOW…very informative call. Thanks for sharing. Yes we always follow directions. Glad the cat is OK. I’ve taken Bella’s script class and it was worth it by far! Each time I answer the phone I’m perfecting my script.
I know, Christina. Could have ended up a lot worse for her. The cat is now 16 years old and she knows that she HAS to get it right this time by hiring the best sitter possible.