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How To Increase Your Chances of Succeeding As A Pet Sitter

increase-successRussell Simmons, the famous music mogul, once said, “Making money is a pedestrian activity. The challenge is in creating a product or service that the world really needs.”

There is no question that the service we provide as pet sitters is something of value and that the world really needs. The challenge then in becoming a successful pet sitting business owner lies a little bit deeper.

Whenever I find myself chatting with someone who isn’t really sure exactly what a pet sitter does, they are amazed and impressed by the service we provide.

So according to Russell Simmons’ quote, we should have no problem becoming a success in our business, right? Why then do some pet sitters struggle to even get off the ground?

For that answer, we’ll need to dig deep into the world of successful entrepreneurs and pull out one unique factor they all agree on:

In order to succeed at anything, you simply must focus on something you like.

Now this may sound more obvious than it really is, but don’t be fooled. Running your own pet sitting business requires much more than just having a love for animals, owning pets your entire life or needing extra cash.

It’s still a business. And to become a successful business owner, you must wear many hats; aside from the one you wear as actual pet sitter!

Start by asking yourself these 3 questions to increase your chances of success:

1) Do I enjoy the responsibility of running my own business?

Let’s be honest. Running a business is not for everyone. It requires certain skill, dedication and passion. You must run the entire show including dealing with clients, dealing with cash flow and dealing with legalities.

Here is just a short checklist of some general qualities a successful pet sitting business owner must master:

  • Leadership skills
  • Communication
  • Promotion and marketing
  • Client relations
  • Time management
  • Self-motivation

But even after mastering all the items above, you may still not succeed if you are not enjoying what you are doing. Again, you simply must focus on something you like.

2) Am I able to manage my time efficiently?

Running your own home-based pet sitting business can be tricky. With no boss looking over your shoulder, and Judge Judy looming in the next room, you must remain focused and on track.

Not easy to do for any of us! It takes some practice, it takes some will and it takes some determination. This is why focusing on something you like is a must.

We’re all the same; if we don’t want to do something, and no one is forcing us to do it, it just won’t get done.

On the other hand, if you find that thing about becoming an amazing pet sitter that excites you and gets you up in the morning, you’ll have a better chance at growing and building your business into a nice little empire. (And regardless of what you’ve heard or believe, there is serious money to be made in this industry.)

3) Am I able to effectively balance work life with personal life if I spend all day working from home?

With no website blocks or filters on your home computer, it may be tempting to spend all day on Facebook and Twitter. It also may take your friends and family some getting used to that you are now in work mode at home.

Truly enjoying the journey of growing your pet sitting business will allow you to put in the necessary hours of work, while maintaining an active and healthy personal life.

It’s too easy to spend 12 or 14 hours a day on your business while neglecting your other half. Make sure the balance is right and that you take time to walk away from things when needed. Stretch, get some fresh air and recharge your batteries before you get burned out.

Why Are You In It?

We all have our own reasons for starting a pet sitting business. It may be to become your own boss, reclaim your financial future, spend more time with loved ones, or provide a wonderful service to animals.

Whatever the case, make sure you always keep the passion alive in everything you do and continually remind yourself why you are doing it in the first place.

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Josh Cary is a respected and well sought-after speaker and business consultant within the professional pet care industry. Since 2009, having grown his own pet sitting business, Josh provides his industry with the tools, support, and resources to build and maintain a thriving and respected pet business.

With a strong focus on digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and website development, Josh’s one mission is to help you Get Found First through a professional and effective website.

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