I'm pretty certain even hearing the word 'taxes' sends a knot through your stomach. No…
Cindy Vet on How Pet Sitters Can Find ‘Me Time’ [video]
Please join us at the PetSittingOlogy conference this October. We’ll be featuring expert speakers and experienced pet sitters, all of whom will help you build a better, more organized pet sitting business!
Our special interactive feature at the conference will be Workshop Wednesday, at which five very successful pet sitters will lead community discussions on current topics.
Cindy Vet, a pet sitter and coach from Atlanta, will lead a discussion on why getting “me time” will not only help you and your state of mind, but it can also be a great way to network.
Cindy will be discussing how she gets away from the hustle and bustle of her pet care business, and how her activities usually end up helping her business, even though she was only planning to have a fun time with new friends!
Video Length: 15m:33s | Join Cindy and our other friends and presenters for the PetSittingOlogy conference, October 23 – 26, 2016 at the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino, in Las Vegas.
Visit http://petsittinglive.com for complete conference agenda!
We look forward to seeing you there!
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