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How To Achieve a Professional Website Look and Feel Using Free Icons

You may have noticed some neat crisp looking icons on our redesigned home page. A member asked how we did that and where we got them from. Watch the video to find out exactly where and how you can get any variety of icons to use for free on your own pet website.

Overview of Video (Length: 5 minutes 41 seconds)

Hey there and welcome, thanks for tuning in, you got Josh Cary here founder of PetSittingOlogy with another Q&A video. Today the topic is all about icons and how to get a really crisp professional look on your website with free icons.

As you know, our one mission and goal around here is to help you get found first and one of the best and most direct ways to do that is to provide a professional, robust, valuable, good-looking and informative website. It’s all the things that you place on the page that matter including the icons, the images, the graphics, the way you lay out your content and your paragraphs.

Today I want to talk to you about the icons we used on our home page. One of our members asked where we got them and how he can they get them too. So, I’m going to show you exactly where we get our icons from and you can get them for free.

The icons are from the site Flat Icon ( and this has become one of my absolute favorite websites.

How It Works: Search, Customize, Download

Let’s say you want an icon of a dog on your website. Start a search by simply typing in ‘dog’ and look what they give you. They show you not only different searches but how many results each offers and they give you examples of what those results include.

For example, I’ll go look at ‘dog bone’. When you hover over any icon you can either add it immediately to a collection of yours or view it for further options. You’ll want to click on ‘PNG’ (that’s the format most likely you’re going to want to download).

Now it gives me further options to customize the exact color. I then add it to my collection which is accessible near the top-right. When I’m done accumulating them, I can click ’download collection’ and get them all saved and upload them directly to my pet sitting website.

Over To You

Have fun with that website but make sure you don’t go overboard with it. I know it’s easy to add a ton of these but a few strategically on your home page, within a blog post, or on a services page can really help you improve the impression of your website.

If you need a hand at any step of the way please reach out. It doesn’t matter whether you are a current client of ours or not, we are always happy to help you make the best impression possible on your potential clients and local community.

Continue doing the extraordinary work serving the pets.

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If you are looking to dramatically improve your website results by appearing on the front page of Google (like we have done for hundreds of your professional pet industry colleagues), then review the options here and let's compare notes!

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Josh Cary is a respected and well sought-after speaker and business consultant within the professional pet care industry. Since 2009, having grown his own pet sitting business, Josh provides his industry with the tools, support, and resources to build and maintain a thriving and respected pet business.

With a strong focus on digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and website development, Josh’s one mission is to help you Get Found First through a professional and effective website.

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