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Sarah Burns in wedding dress with her dog

Here’s Why It’s A Blessing to Be A Professional Pet Sitter Today

Sarah Burns opens up and shares one powerful story about how it’s an absolute blessing to be a professional pet sitter today.  You’ll never look at your relationships with the pets in your care the same way.

Here is the story in Sarah’s words:

Anyone who knows me well knows that there is a large part of my heart dedicated to my Chocolate Lab, Casey. While we all bond with the dogs we share our lives with, sometimes we get the great honor to experience a relationship with an animal that goes much deeper.

I truly believe, and always will believe, that Casey was my guardian angel. For 15 years she was my faithful companion. Always only having loyalty to me.

She would swim out to me if I was in the lake and circle me until I grabbed her collar so she could pull me back to safety. She never allowed anyone to give me a hug and would try and get in between us. She would sit with me as I cried in some of the darkest days of my life and she always seemed to understand things more than the average dog.

She passed away in February of 2016 and I don’t know that my heart will every completely heal from such a loss.

The Blessing Of Being A Professional Pet Sitter

I got a call recently from a new client that truly opened my eyes to the deep blessing we experience as professional pet sitters.  And I discovered how all things come together for good if we truly keep our hearts open.

The new client has a 16 year old Chocolate Lab, Java, that is starting to get to the last stages of her life. She has never lost a dog before and like Casey, Java is her guardian angel. I remember speaking with her about her need for service just as I would any other client.

When she told me she had a 16 year old Lab I mentioned my Casey and that I understood where she was. She gave me the old “I’ll talk to my husband and call you back” line and I didn’t think much about her again.

A few days later she called and wanted to set up a meet and greet. She told me that she was considering another company but couldn’t get what I said about having a lab out of her head.

The Day The Blessing Arrived

When I walked into my client’s house for the meet and greet I was truly shocked at the remarkable resemblance of my girl Casey and Java. She had the same sweet old lady face, the same sunken in hips, the same old lady confusion and the same mannerisms. It truly was like looking at my dog again.

The minute I got into my car after the meet and greet I cried. I cried because I miss my old girl so much, but I also cried happy tears because of what a beautiful blessing I now have.

I am a spiritual person and believe that God has a plan for all things.

Because of what I went through with my girl, I now have the ability to be there for this client as she helps her old girl through the last stages of her life. I can give guidance and comfort in a way that only I can.

And if it weren’t for being a pet sitter, I wouldn’t have this opportunity.

Are you taking enough time to value what we are truly able to experience as pet sitters?

We spend so much time thinking about solving a problem for a client or what WE have to offer THEM but how often do we, the pet professional, realize what THEY are actually offering US in return?

How many times were you given the gift of being there for a client with an elderly pet (or a pet in need of your comfort and energy)? What a beautiful gift to be able to share with someone!

Every time you’ve helped a client feel comfortable leaving their pet alone, given them peace of mind, or gone above and beyond, you’ve put a little bit of light out into the world and therefore experienced a little light in yourself.

No More Losing Sight

We get so lost in running a business and doing our job that we forget that it’s so much more than that. We are allowed the opportunity to be a part of people’s lives everyday, people who care about their pets the same way we do and to be there for each other and make a difference in their life.

I don’t know about you but that seems like a pretty good reason to smile about being a professional pet sitter today!

When you’re out walking dogs in sub-zero temperatures and scooping cat poop, remember that you are making a world of difference in someone’s life and, in turn, making a difference in your own.

Over to You

Is there one specific time that stands out in your career as a professional where YOU were positively impacted and where you felt blessed to be given the chance to be chosen for that job?  We’d love to hear about it.

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Josh Cary is a respected and well sought-after speaker and business consultant within the professional pet care industry. Since 2009, having grown his own pet sitting business, Josh provides his industry with the tools, support, and resources to build and maintain a thriving and respected pet business.

With a strong focus on digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and website development, Josh’s one mission is to help you Get Found First through a professional and effective website.

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