Be Among The First Invited To Enroll

PetSittingOlogy is currently closed to new members. However, we will be opening up enrollment shortly to the first 250 members only!

Becoming a pet sitting business owner is not for everyone. We've created this course to be as complete as possible and cater to the motivated individuals who are ready to take control of their lives.

Get On The List Today

To officially register for advanced notice with no obligation and receive details on our joining fees, please sign up here:



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Wanna see how we did it and discover the single element we put in place that became our ace in the hole for continued success so you can do the same?

The M WordOur free 23-page report is "The Secret To A Successful Pet Sitting Business Revealed: The M Word" and reveals the ins and outs of our personal journey.

In this quick and easy read, you'll get hold of:

  • Our one secret weapon responsible for all our success
  • The 5 steps that will catapult you to the top
  • 10 things you'll need to know in order to succeed as a pet sitter today

Get on our "Early Bird Notification List" and automatically grab your complimentary copy of "The M Word!"

Only The First 250 Members

Each and every member will receive direct, one-on-one support and guidance from Alitia and Joshua, and once you join you are a member for life!

For that reason, we are limiting the next round of enrollments to just 250. This number will allow us to give the direct and personal input that is required to be a successful pet sitting business owner.

Pre-Register Today For Free