The Benefits You Receive As Part Of Your Membership

Our goal is to position you as the obvious choice by developing every aspect of your business in a creative, authentic and professional manner. A good chunk of our plan focuses exclusively on the most powerful marketing tool for gaining new clients: your website. This is where you'll outshine the competition and impress your clients with outstanding work. (That is the secret to a thriving business and what keeps clients coming back.) The bulk of your marketing plan includes your website.

Step-by-Step Roadmap

pet sitting raodmapThe core of the PetSittingOlogy program consists of 30+ lessons designed to get you up and running — as efficiently as possible — as a professional pet sitter while making money. You'll begin with an overview of the pet sitting industry, then immediately begin to create your business. Each week you'll see significant progress, as you witness your business taking shape. Our goal is to position you as the obvious choice by developing every aspect of your business in a creative, authentic and professional manner. We finish by focusing exclusively on the most powerful marketing tool for gaining new clients: your website. This is where you'll outshine the competition and impress your clients with outstanding work. (That is the secret to a thriving business and what keeps clients coming back.)

Free Hosting

free pet sitter hosting Now that you've got your snazzy new website, you'll need a reliable place to host it, right? Look no further. Every month you remain a member, PetSittingOlogy will pick up the bill for your hosting fees. Your pet sitting website will reside on the exact same server as this site so you know you'll be in good company. No more wasting time or money dealing with hosts that can't deliver, are over-priced or don't return messages. Your hosting package (with enough space for thousands of pages) also comes with an easy-to-use control panel so you can manage email accounts, monitor visitor stats and install a blog in just a few clicks. A bit scared of HTML code? Read on, we got your back...!

Your Personal Webmaster

personal webmasterIf we expect your website to work overtime for your business while bringing in the majority of your new clients, we better be ready to help build such an outstanding and effective website, wouldn't you think? That's where Joshua comes in! With more than 10 years of web developing experience, and a web design studio in New York, you can be sure you (and your HTML code) are in good hands. You'll be given the whole kit and kaboodle to make certain your website performs up to industry standards. (This is Joshua's passion — he'd have it no other way.)

Website Optimization

pet sitting website optimizationWe're proud to say that we've amassed over $100,000 in pet sitting services during the first year since we started Alitia's Animals. The majority of that income was achieved strictly through our pet sitting website. A properly created website will be the difference between a struggling business and a successful pet sitting business complete with a steady stream of clients. I've created and profited from several business websites and will work one on one with you to make sure your website delivers. Launching a website that gets results from Google without spending a ton of money on advertising is possible. We'll work together to build and optimize your website so you can receive significant traffic without spending significant ad dollars.

Pet Sitting Forms

pet sitting formsNobody needs to drown themselves in forms and contracts. We've run our pet sitting business successfully with just a handful of forms. It keeps the clients happy and allows you to operate your business at peak performance. You'll be handed the exact forms and contracts we continue to use to this day. Download the pack in Word or PDF format, add your logo if you wish, and make it your own. Open for business as soon as you're ready with no time or money wasted.

Listen To Our Phone Calls

phone callsKind of frightened to take your first phone call with a client? No need to be. Download and listen to five of our pre-recorded phone calls from actual clients. Quickly gain the confidence needed to start building your client base. No more dreading opening for business while frozen with fear. You'll be prepared, relaxed and comfortable in no time knowing what a typical call sounds like.

Phone Script and Email Templates

pet sitter templatesThere's never a reason to re-invent the wheel here. If something works, it works. Learn how to communicate and correspond with potential clients with our phone script. Get comfortable before you even take your first phone call. Need to respond via email? We hand you email templates that effectively communicate, including a 'Welcome Home' email that will excite clients to provide a wonderful testimonial about your service.

Content/Article Library

content libraryEstablishing expertise in this industry can give you the competitive edge you need to win more clients. In our content library, you have complete access to over 50 dog-related articles to claim as your own and use any way you wish. Choose to include them in a monthly newsletter, send them to your favorite clients, or publish them to your website or blog. Put your name on them and quickly become the expert in your client's eyes.

One-on-One Coaching & Support

pet sitter supportSo what does a tasty ice cream bar have to do with coaching and support? We believe they both make you feel better about things, keep you on track and help put things in perspective by giving you a gentle push when you need it most. In any case, as you know, we are here specifically to help you succeed. Call us your coach, mentor, advisor, partner or friend. We are actively available every step of the way for advice, clarification, specific questions, or pep talks. We take as much pride in your business as you do. There's no doubt your pet sitting business will be a reflection of us, and our aim is to watch it bloom from a tiny little seedling into a legitimate and profitable pet sitting business!

Our Members Only Message Board

Along with your membership comes entry into the PetSittingOlogy message boards. There to provide additional guidance and assistance every step of the way, you can stop by often to ask a question, give advice, share a story, tell a joke, release some tension or just plain ol' vent. It's our community and we are all here for the same reasons.

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